UMass was well represented at this year’s Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas (WSCLA 2023), held April 28-30 at McGill University.
Work by current and former UMass folks included:
- Seth Cable and James Crippen, “Stative Marking in Tlingit: Evidence for the Complexity of States”
- Amy Rose Deal and Justin Royer, “Mayan Animacy Restrictions and Dynamic Interaction”
- Emily Elfner, “Re-Examining Default-to-Opposite Stress in Kwak’wala”
- Suzi Lima & Pedro Mateo Pedro, “Itzaj is a Classifier-for-Numerals Language”
- Andrew McKenzie, “Polysynthesis and the Division of Labor in Grammar”
- Rose Underhill, Anne Bertrand, and Terrance Gatchalian, “A Typology of Roots in Ktunaxa”