Lulu Guo is visiting our department this semester (Spring 2025). You can reach Lulu here: luluguo”AT” and lulu.guo”AT” Below is some information about Lulu’s research interests, as well as a link to the Department Visitors’ page:
“Hello, everyone! My name is Lulu Guo and I am a PhD student at Queen Mary University of London. I am currently working on the omission patterns of (Chinese) interrogative sentences. Specifically, I am trying to answer the following questions: why do certain disjunctive questions (without an overt disjunction) have different derivational mechanisms across conjuncts? Why does adding a disjunction lead to different omission patterns? And how do prosodic deletion and constituent ellipsis team up (or clash) in this whole process? Outside of academia, I enjoy going to woods, parks, museums, and various fairs. Looking forward to meeting you all!”