UMass @ WCCFL 35

The 35th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics is happening next weekend (28-30 April) at the University of Calgary. UMass will be well represented:

  • Hsin-Lun Huang is presenting the talk “Revisiting Pseudo-Incorporation: Post-verbal non-referential bare NPs in Mandarin”.
  • Jon Ander Mendia is presenting the poster “Epistemic Number”.
  • Troy Messick is presenting the poster “¾ agreement patterns beyond hybrid nouns”.
  • Rafael Nonato (in Spanish and Portuguese Studies) is presenting the talk “Skewed AGREE: accounting for a closest-conjunct effect with semantic implications”.
  • Yangsook Park is presenting the poster “Overt subjects in obligatory control constructions in Korean”.
  • Ethan Poole is presenting the talk “Movement of properties and properties of movement”.
  • Brandon Prickett is presenting the talk “Post nasal devoicing as opacity: A problem for natural constraints”.

Alumni Elan Dresher and Keir Moulton are invited speakers! Other alumni and people from the UMass world:

  • Alumnus Luis Alonso-Ovalle is presenting the talk “Anchored implicatives: Tagalog ability/involuntary action” with Henrison Hsieh.
  • Recent visitor Anna Marlijn Meijer is presenting the talk “The semantics and pragmatics of embedded polar replies with English so”.