A video of the awarding of Barbara Partee’s University of Amsterdam honorary doctorate is now available on-line. The profile video, which was shot here in Amherst in the fall, and was shown in the ceremony, is available here.
Barbara sent along this description of the video:
The first few minutes show the processional in to the aula of the university, and I’m near the front of the procession (my white hair is clearly visible – my honorary ‘promotor’ Sonja Smets and I are the 3rd couple in the procession. You can see me recognizing and saying hi to Jennifer Spenader and Emar Maier, who are standing at their seats near the front on the left.
‘My part’ of the ceremony runs from minute 57 to the 1:22 mark. It starts with the nice 4 1/2 minute video they made when they visited Amherst in November. A lot of it is at 50 Hobart Lane, where they conducted the actual interview. At school you catch snippets of our ‘math lab’, including a shot of Zahra at the blackboard, and a snippet of Carolyn Anderson’s presentation in semantics workshop that day, and shots walking around campus. The video is followed by the award of the degree, including a short speech about me by Sonja Smets (co-authored with Martin Stokhof), and a thank-you speech by me recounting parts of the history of formal semantics in Amsterdam, and my connections with the university and with the Netherlands.