UMass Linguists past and present are descending on the University of British Columbia this weekend for the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics!
Our very own Meg Grant (Ph.D. 2013) is giving an invited plenary talk entitled Processing polysemy: expanding the empirical domain. In addition, undergraduate alumnus Gillian Gallagher (BA, 2005) is also giving an invited plenary talk entitled Synchronic knowledge of phonetically unnatural classes.
Other UMass talks include:
How to value gender: lexicon, agree and feature transmission under ellipsis – Ivona Kucerova (McMaster), Cassandra Chapman (U Toronto) & Keir Moulton (U Toronto)
(Bound) pronouns in competition: Evidence from Romanian production
Rodica Ivan & Brian Dillon (UMass Amherst)
And of course, it needs to be said: Anne-Michelle Tessier (Ph.D. 2006) is co-organizing the conference, so big thanks to Anne-Michelle and her co-organizers for all the hard work they put into making this conference happen at a difficult time. We’re proud of our students and alumni and the interesting work they do. Have fun everyone!