Several members of the UMass Linguistics Department participated in this year’s annual meeting of the LSA, which took place in Philadelphia January 9-12: Below is a list, with co-authors.
Faruk Akkuş: Locating code-switching in the grammar: Role of morphological wordhood (Poster Session 1)
Faruk Akkuş & David Embick: Agreement/clitic movement ≠ agreement affix/clitic (Poster Session 1)
Mariam Asatryan, Rajesh Bhatt & Faruk Akkuş: Hyperagreement in Alashkert Armenian (Poster Session 2)
Adina Camelia Bleotu, Deborah Foucault & Tom Roeper: Romanian-English bilingual adults are more recursive with adjectives in Romanian L1 than English L2 (Session: Bilingualism)
Erine-Caitlin Desir (organized session: Black is the New Black: respecting variation in AAL)
Alessa Farinella & Sun-Ah Jun: Accentual phrases in Tagalog intonation and their loose relation to word prosody (Session: Prosody)
Deborah Foucault, Shalaleh Javadi & Tom Roper: To perform(ative) or not to perform(ative): that is the Question! Children successfully navigate complex Speech Acts within narratives (Session: Language Acquisition 1)
Eva Neu, Rajesh Bhatt & Shaunak Phadnis: Degrees of animacy and felicity in Hindi ditransitives: a corpus study (Poster Session 2)
Eva Neu, Maayan Keshev & Brian Dillon: Encoding syntactic positions in working memory: a computational approach (Session: Psycholinguistics 1)