HFA + AI Lightning Talks

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the HFA Committee on AI and Emerging Technology, I’d like to invite you to a couple of upcoming events that aim to foster discussions about AI in CHFA. The meetings are open to all, and we encourage members of other colleges to join us. The talks will be 10 minutes with 5 minutes of discussion each, and then we will have 15 minutes of general discussion, followed by another half hour for informal smaller conversations. We hope these meetings will help to facilitate further conversations and future initiatives in research and teaching.

Because space is somewhat limited, we are asking participants to register in advance – please see the links below.


Joe Pater.

AI & Emerging Technology Lightning Talks 

The HFA Committee on AI and Emerging Technology will host two series of lightning talks, open to all, in which faculty will share their perspectives and research projects. 

Session 1: Friday, February 28, 11am-12:30pm, Room ILC N400. Please register to attend.  

Brian Dillon, Linguistics, “Do LLMs and humans process language in similar ways?” 

Sonja Drimmer, History of Art & Architecture. “Computer Vision and the AI Grift in Public Education” 

Chris White, Music and Dance, “Music’s challenge for AI, and AI’s Challenge for Music” 

Session 2: Thursday, March 13, 12-1:30pm, Tower Room, South College. Please register to attend.   

Eleonore Neufeld, Philosophy, “The Role of AI in the Philosophy of Mind: A Primer” 

Virginia Partridge, Center for Data Science, and Joe Pater, Linguistics, “AI-assisted Analysis of Phonological Variation in English” 

Emiliano Ricciardi, Music and Dance “Computational Parsing of Renaissance Poetry and Music.”