Author Archives: agoebel

UMass at SALT 29 @ UCLA

The 29th annual meeting of Semantics and Linguistic Theory took place on May 17-19 at the University of California, Los Angeles. UMass was represented by a number of talks and posters from current and previous UMass affiliates, as captured by the picture below (Facebook credit: Ilaria Frana):

(from left to right: Amanda Rysling; Stephanie Rich; Katia Vostrikova; Jesse Harris; Ilaria Frana; Paula Menendez-Benito; Bernhard Schwarz; Luiz Alonso-Ovalle; Maribel Romero; Alex Göbel; Ethan Poole; Yael Sharvit; Kyle Johnson)

SNEWS 2018 at UMass

On December 2, UMass hosted the annual rendition of the Southern New England Workshop in Semantics (SNEWS) ( Among talks from graduate students from Harvard, MIT, UConn and Yale, there were two presentations by UMass first year Jonathan Pesetsky (“If yesIf so, and Hypothetical Commitments”) and third year Kimberly Johnson (“Graded past and evidentiality in Muskogee Creek”).

SNEWS 2018 @ UMass

UMass at CUNY 31 @UC Davis

The 31st Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference took place over spring break from March 15-17 in UC Davis, organized by UMass (psychology) alum Fernanda Ferreira. As every year, there was a large (!) contingent of current and previous UMass affiliates represented. (I apologize for everyone I missed on the list below due to very limited memory about past affiliates.)

Current Students & Faculty

  • Carolyn Anderson:
    – Tomorrow is not always a day away (poster)
  • Sakshi Bhatia:
    – Forgetting effects due to Local Coherence in Hindi (poster with Samar Husain)
  • Jack Duff (BA):
    – Says who?: The influence of speech and mental predicates on epithet interpretation (poster)
    – Evidence for multiple memory representations from discourse anaphora and ellipsis (poster with Lyn Frazier)
  • Alex Göbel:
    – Pronouns at the right frontier: discourse structure affects accessibility of final appositives (poster)
  • Christopher Hammerly:
    – Resumptive pronouns can ameliorate island violations in real-time comprehension (poster)
    – Response bias modulates the grammaticality asymmetry: Evidence for a continuous valuation model of agreement attraction 
    (poster with Adrian Staub & Brian Dillon)
    – The temporal dynamics of structure and content in the language network (third author on a talk by William Matchin, Christian Brodbeck & Ellen Lau)
  • Rodica Ivan:
    – When NPI illusions fail: the case of strict NPIs and neg-words in Romanian (poster with Brian Dillon)
  • Adrian Staub (psych):
    – Predictability effects in reading require valid parafoveal preview (talk with Kirk Goddard)
  • Michael Wilson:
    – Interpreting an interpretive illusion: What the Dative Illusion tells us about processing (poster)


  • Katy Carlson (PhD ’01):
    – Focus particles strongly draw attachment (poster)
  • Michael Walsh Dickey (PhD ’00):
    – Event-referent activation in the visual world: Persistent activation is guided by both lexical and event representations (second author on a poster by Haley Dresang & Tessa Warren [post-doc ’01-’03])
    To adapt or not to adapt: No evidence that readers adjust their expectation for a disjunction in the either…or structure (third author on a poster by Michelle Colvin & Tessa Warren)
  • Fernanda Ferreira:
    – Encoding semantically rich words: The relative effects of reactivation and distinctiveness (second author on a poster by Hossein Karimi)
    Effects of linguistic focus and lexical frequency on reading times (second author on a poster by Matthew Lowder)
    – The flexibility of multiword sequences: Evidence from eye tracking (second author on a poster by Suphasiree Chanta)
  • Jesse Harris (PhD ’12):
    – Correlative adverbs mark not only scope but also contrast: Corpus and eye tracking data (talk)
    Complement coercion induces greater garden path cost: Two eye tracking studies (poster)
    – Cue reliability affects anticipatory use of prosody in processing globally ambiguous sentences (second author on a talk by Chie Nakamura & Sun-Ah Jun)
    Predictive processing and reliability in the influence of prosody in L2 structural analysis (second author on a poster by Chie Nakamura, Sun-Ah Jun & Yuki Hirose)
  • Andrea Martin (BA from Hampshire College ’04):
    – Rhythmic computation of linguistic structure (invited talk)
    – Readers utilise proper noun capitalisation to determine syntactic class prior to direct fixation (second author on a poster by Michael G. Cutter & Patrick Sturt)
  • Grusha Prasad (BA from Hampshire College ’17):
    – The P600 for singular ‘they’: How the brain reacts when John decides to treat themselves to sushi (poster with Joanna Morris & Mark Feinstein)
  • Stephanie Rich (BA ’16):
    – Disconfirmed lexical predictions linger in highly constraining contexts (poster with Jesse Harris)
    Local constraint is inhibited by global context in concessive structures (poster with Jesse Harris)
  • Jeff Runner (PhD ’95):
    – Gender Effects on Gender Ambiguous Anaphor Resolution (third author on a poster by Yuhang Xu, Yedan Tian & Mike Tanenhaus)
  • Shayne Sloggett (PhD ’17):
    Person blocking in reflexive processing: when “I” matter more than “them” (talk with Brian Dillon)
  • Anthony Yacovone (BA ’16):
    – Developmental shifts from bottom-up lexical biases to top-down plausibility in syntactic parsing (poster with Carissa Shafto, Amanda Worek & Jesse Snedeker)

Post-Docs & Visitors

  • Nicoletta Biondo (department visitor ’15-‘):
    – Distance matters during adverb-verb tense processing: evidence from ERPs (poster with Emma Bergamini & Francesco Vespignani)
    – Verb class is early used during the processing of subject-verb agreement (in Italian) (third author on a poster by Francesco Vespignani & Emma Bergamini)
  • Mara Breen (post-doc ’07-’11):
    – Prosody, Poetry and Processing: ERP Evidence for Hierarchical Metric Structure in Silent Reading (second author with Ahren B. Fitzroy on a talk by Michelle Oraa Ali)
  • Tessa Warren:
    – Idioms show effects of meaning relatedness and dominance similar to those seen for ambiguous words (second author on a poster by Evelyn Milburn)
  • Ming Xiang (current visitor):
    – Production and comprehension of referential expressions show divergent behavior (talk with Allison Kramer, Timothy Leffel & Chris Kennedy)
    – Memory retrieval in comprehension is sensitive to production alternatives (poster with Josef Klafka)
    – The role of contextual-pragmatic information in speech perception: an eye-tracking study (second author on a poster by Yenan Sun, Eszter Ronai & Alan Yu)
    – Processing imprecision: the interpretation of round numerals in context (second author on a poster by Helena Aparicio & Christopher Kennedy)