Author Archives: Kristine Yu

LSA Launches Student Research Spotlight

Students, publicize your published work at LSA’s Student Research Spotlight!

From the LSA:

As part of the LSA’s ongoing efforts to increase the visibility of LSA members and their work, The Society is launching a new “Student Research Spotlight” feature that will highlight recent journal publications by our student members. Our goals for this feature are twofold:

To recognize the accomplishments made by LSA Student Members who have recently published their work in peer-reviewed journals, and

To promote the work of our student members to the wider community of LSA members and those interested in language, which we hope will result in broader networking opportunities for our student members, whose careers as linguists are coming into their own

Five Colleges Prosody Group Meeting Tuesday 10/11

The Five Colleges Prosody Group, which is coordinated by Mara Breen and Heather Pon-Barry of Mount Holyoke, Meghan Armstrong-Abrami and Kristine Yu of UMass Amherst, will have its first meeting of the year on Tuesday, 10/11 11:30am-1:00pm in N400.

Please come and enjoy lunch with us (lunch will be provided), and hear from Matt Frelinger about plans for experimental work in implicit prosody and (maybe?) from Wilmar Lopez Barrios about his MA work on focus in Colombian Spanish.

The absolutive ia particle in Samoan by Yu and Özy?ld?z published in BLS42 proceedings

Joint work by Kristine Yu and Deniz Özy?ld?z has just appeared in print in the Proceedings of the forty-second annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. “The absolutive ia particle in Samoan” can be found as the last contribution in the pdf of the entire BLS 42 proceedings on pages 387–406.

Notes on Seminar teaching

Notes on Seminar teaching

Shared by Kristine Yu

Session information

From Center for Teaching and Faculty Development conversations on
teaching, facilitated by Peter Lindsay, [2013–10–10 Thu]

SEMINAR TEACHING | Thursday, October 10, 11:15 AM to 12:45 PM |
Teaching seminars involves striking a balance between directing a
discussion and letting it go where students want to take it. Are there
effective ways to achieve both objectives, and, failing that, is it
better to err on one side rather than the other? How does the group
dynamic affect discussion? Are there steps instructors can take to
insure a safe and vibrant discussion?

Dr. Peter Lindsay is an Associate Professor of Political Science and
Philosophy and the former Director of the Center for Teaching and
Learning at Georgia State University. He has taught at Harvard
University, the University of New Hampshire and the University of
Toronto, and has been the recipient of numerous teaching awards.

Handout notes

  1. Getting started
    1. review previous session
    2. provide outline of the day’s discussion (to facilitate note taking)
    3. read tricky passage and ask for comments
    4. quick – 3 min – writing prompt
    5. emotional reaction to readings
    6. a sharp question
  2. Asking the right questions
    1. not factual
    2. apply, analyze, critique and/or evaluate what they’ve learned
    3. explain the relationships bewteen things they’ve learned
    4. compare things they’ve learned
    5. clarify a point
    6. issues that are meaningful; to which they can relate
    7. that give them confidence; to which they can provide some
      form of answer
    8. with answers that don’t presuppose knowledge of the reading
    9. about a common experience, perhaps one you create
    10. sub-questions (if they can’t answer the ones you ask)
    11. worst question: any questions?
  3. Handling tension
    1. when students deadlock in disagreement, have them switch sides
    2. periodically summarize differences
    3. 2-column method (“pros” and “cons”)
    4. Don’t necessarily avoid tension. Use as a teaching moment
  4. Toning down talkative students
    1. talk to student out of class
    2. appoint observers and have them report
    3. video or audio tape class and play back to them
    4. fishbowl – divide class into discussants and observers
  5. Encouraging quiet ones
    1. Reasons sutdents don’t contribute
      1. they aren’t learning
      2. scared that they’re not worthy
      3. professors can’t keep mouths shut
      4. cultural barriers
      5. seating not conducive
      6. haven’t done reading / aren’t prepared
    2. Solutions
      1. they aren’t learning:
        1. summarize the problems every so often
        2. have them clarify points
        3. summarize main points of class at the end so they see
          that they’ve learned
      2. scared that they’re not worthy:
        1. don’t come down too hard, reward/encourage shy ones
        2. get them to know each other – encourage social inclusion
        3. split up in sub groups
          1. think, pair, share
          2. divide up into groups according to some criteria
        4. have them write initial answers down
        5. talk to student after class
        6. get to know them and ask them about things they know
        7. ask questions they can provide some form of answer to
      3. professors can’t keep mouths shut
        1. don’t tell them the answers
        2. wait for 5 seconds
        3. give up a bit of control
      4. cultural barriers
        1. emphasize the first day and on syllabus that
          participation is crucial
        2. meet with them privately
      5. seating not conducive – change it
      6. haven’t done reading/aren’t prepared
        1. response papers
        2. have students bring passages they found puzzling,
          interesting, or important
        3. quizzes
        4. get them interested in doing it
  6. Ending the discussion
    1. ask a student to summarize
    2. minute paper summary
    3. end in the middle of a conversation (leaving them wanting more)
  7. Resources
    1. Brookfield: Discussion as a Way of Teaching
    2. Center for Teaching and Faculty Development
    3. Maier and Maier, “An experimental test of the effects of
      ‘developmental’ vs ‘free’ discussion on the quality of group
      decisions”. Journal of Applied Psychology (1957) 41, 320–323
    4. Nilson, Teaching at its best, Ch. 13
    5. McKeachie, Teaching Tips, Ch. 5

Sound workshop kickoff! (2013-09-06)

Agenda: introductions, discussion of roles of Sound Workshop and PRG,
and filling up empty slots on schedule.

Discussion of roles of Sound Workshop and PRG

Some potential activities to be held in Sound Workshop:

  • Practice talks for conferences, jobs, colloquia, etc. by students and faculty
  • Presentation of in progress work, including from GPs, prospectus,
    and dissertation
  • Journal club: both longer discussion of single articles, and blitz round highlights from a set of papers
  • Slots for visiting speaker talks/mini-courses
  • Sharing writing: scientific writing, stages in writing, journal
    submission process stages, abstract writing
  • For this year: mini-series on various issues in phonological theory, presented/led by students and faculty, e.g. government phonology, feature geometry, developments in HS, topics TBD based on student interest

Some potential activities in Phonology Reading Group (PRG):

  • Presentation of student work in progress
  • Discussion of rough ideas, brainstorming by students
  • Special events like fall event (People’s Pint? Apple picnic?) and spring pancake breakfast
  • Informal student-led discussions/roundtables/Q&As with visitors,
    e.g. Sharon Peperkamp, Elliot Moreton


Let’s fill up those empty slots in the schedule!