Design: Alexander Williams
From Alexander Williams: The deadline for SALT abstracts is close: the end of Sunday, December 4th. Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) is the premiere North American conference on semantics as a part of linguistic theory. The 27th SALT will take place on May 12–14, 2017, at The University of Maryland, College Park. Our invited speakers are Pranav Anand, Chris Barker, Sarah Murray and Maribel Romero (Universität Konstanz, 1998 UMass PhD). In addition on May 11 there will be a pre-SALT workshop, “Meaning and Distribution”, with invited speakers Angelika Kratzer, Beth Levin and Jeffrey Lidz, on the topic of observed correlations between syntactic and semantic classes. We invite critical discussion of traditional questions: how do such correlations help us understand language acquisition, variation or invariance across languages, or relations between linguistic and nonlinguistic cognition?
Call for Papers
We invite submission of abstracts for 30-minute oral presentations (with an additional 10 minutes for questions) or posters on any topic in natural language semantics with relevance to linguistic theory. The workshop on Meaning and Distribution has the same submission and reviewing process as the main session.
Submission Details
Abstracts are due at 11:59PM, Eastern Standard Time, on the night of Sunday December 4, 2016, and should be submitted via Easychair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=salt27 .
Abstracts must be anonymous. The main text should be at most 2 pages (US Letter or A4) in length, including examples, with an optional 3rd page for references. The abstract should use a 12pt font and 1 inch margins (for US Letter) or 3 cm margins (for A4) on all four sides. The abstract must be submitted as a single PDF file. These limitations will be strictly enforced. In addition to the intellectual interest of the abstract, clarity and readability will also be taken into account in reviewing. SALT 27 will feature a poster session. Poster presentations will be published as regular papers in the proceedings. Poster presenters will be asked to give a short “lightning round” presentation prior to the poster session.
Authors may be involved in at most two abstracts and may be the sole author of at most one abstract. SALT does not accept papers that at the time of the conference have been published or have been accepted for publication. In addition, preference will be given to presentations that are not duplicated at other major conferences. If the work or a close variant of it is under submission to or accepted for publication or presentation in any other major venue (such as a national or international conference or a journal/book chapter), we request that the authors create a small section titled “Additional Submission” after the references at the end of the paper. This section should include the other venue(s) for which the work has been submitted, the status of those submissions, and an indication of any major aspects of the SALT abstract not submitted elsewhere. We require that authors update us by email if/when there is a relevant change in the status of other submissions.