Author Archives: Magda Oiry

Jaime Woolcock presents honors thesis

Jaime Woolcock presented their honors thesis this past Friday on ‘Do we need to memorize this?’ exploring vocabulary learning through space repetition tasks in a class curriculum they designed for French students. Jaime will be spending next semester in Paris.

Congrats Jaime!

Ian Roberts on Friday 4/14 at 12:20 in N400

Ian Roberts will be speaking at LARC on connections between diachronic grammar and acquisition. His talk is entitled “The Typology of Parameters”. He is Professor of Linguistics at Cambridge University, currently visiting UConn and leads a EU grant on historical linguistics. He will be available during the day on Friday April 14th for meetings with students and faculty.  Interested people should contact Mike Clauss. The talk is in N400 at 12:20.