Author Archives: newsletter editor

UMass Linguistics at Tu+10

Various UMass linguists participated the 10th Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (Tu+ 10), held at USC on March 1-2, 2025. 

Özge Bakay and Faruk Akkuş gave a talk titled An experimental investigation of conjunct agreement in Turkish.

Duygu Demiray gave a poster (with Matthew Wagers (UC Santa Cruz)) titled Processing covert dependencies: A study on Turkish wh-in-situ.

UMass alum Deniz Özyıldız (Konstanz University) was a keynote speaker and delivered a talk titled “De diye“.

Visiting our department: Lulu Guo

Lulu Guo is visiting our department this semester (Spring 2025). You can reach Lulu here: luluguo”AT” and lulu.guo”AT” Below is some information about Lulu’s research interests, as well as a link to the Department Visitors’ page:

Visiting our department: Farah Adeeba

Farah Adeeba is beginning her one-year visit to our department. Below is a small description of Farah’s research interests. You can reach Farah here: fadeeba’at’

Visiting our department: Lucas Eberle

Here is some information about Lucas Eberle (he/him), a visitor in our Department until July 2025. You can reach Lucas here: lpereiraeber’at’, and on the visitors’s page on the department website:


Faruk Akkuş gives three talks in Germany

On 1/21, Faruk gave a colloquium talk at the Oberseminar English Linguistics at the University of Göttingen. The talk was titled “Causatives as a window into the semantic denotations and morphology of passives”.

Faruk was a speaker at the workshop “Cause(e/r): The Interplay between Event Structure and Argument Realization”, held at University of Cologne on 1/23 – 1/24. His presentation was titled “Implications of causatives for the semantic denotations and morphology of passives”

Faruk’s final colloquium talk was at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf on 1/28, titled “Properties of trilingual word-internal code-switching”