Tom Roeper delivered a talk on “Multiple Grammars and Minimal Interfaces” at University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, on January 24th.
Category Archives: Acquisition
Tessier talk and book party, Tuesday Feb 18 2:30 N458
Anne-Michelle Tessier, University of British Columbia, will present “Learning morpho-phonology with Gradient Symbolic Representations: Stages and errors in the acquisition of French liaison” at 2:30pm Tuesday February 18 2020, in N458. Abstract
Things will turn decidedly more festive at 3:15, when we will celebrate Anne-Michelle’s book “Phonological Acquisition: Child Language and Constraint-Based Grammar“. Light refreshments will be served, to be followed by dinner at Michael Becker’s house.
Boston University Child Language Development Conference
At the BU Child Language Conference Nov8-10, there were posters and presentations by many students, visitors, and former students, and LARC members:
Bart Hollebrandse
Ana Perez, Rong Yin, Michael Wilson
Dulcie LI, Jessica Kotfila, Jennifer Spenader, Petra Schulz, Tom Roeper and Jill deVilliers,
on topics ranging from Quantification to Aspect to Recursion.
LAWNE Fall 2019
The Language Acquisition Workshop Northeast (Lawne) met for the first time at MIT on November 17th with presentations from Smith, MIT, UMass, and UConn. Jill deVilliers, Diego Lopez, Alex Santos, Joonkoo Park, and Tom Roeper gave four of the nine presentations.
SENSUS at UMass, April 18-19, 2020
UMass is hosting “Sensus: Constructing meaning in Romance” on April 18-19, 2020. This is a conference on the formal semantics and pragmatics of Romance languages.
Areas: theoretical semantics and pragmatics and their interfaces with other domains, experimental methodologies, fieldwork, the study of variation and computational approaches
Venue: Integrative Learning Center at UMass Amherst (the ILC is a fully accessible building)
Invited speakers:
(McGill University)

Mariapaola D’Imperio
(Rutgers University)

Donka Farkas
(UC, Santa Cruz)

Organizers: Ana Arregui, María Biezma, Vincent Homer and Deniz Özy?ld?z
Event sponsored by the Department of Linguistics and the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures of UMass Amherst
Contact us at
Details can be found here:
Hollebrandse at LARC
Special Session of LARC:
Roeper in Trondheim
At a conference in Trondheim Norway (NCTU) on Variation on October 28,2019, sponsored by their project of Acquisition, Variation, and Attrition, and organized by Andrew Weir:
Tom Roeper gave an invited talk on: “Minimal Interfaces and Multiple Grammars: How UG Principles enable grammars to enhance and interfere with each other”.
UMass linguists at GALA
At GALA (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition) in Milian, Italy Sept 12-14,
a number of current and former UMass students and visitors presented papers and posters.
Students and alumni: Bart Hollebrandse, Michael Wilson, Rong Yin, Jaieun Kim, Emma Merritt.
Visitors: Anca Sevcenco, Petra Schulz Angeliek van Hout, Daoxin Li
Faculty: Tom Roeper
Roeper in Berlin
gehalten von Prof. Dr. Tom Roeper (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Ort: Dorotheenstraße 24, 10117 Berlin, Raum 1.101
Der Vielfalt an Perspektiven, die dem Kind durch die unendlichen Mittel der Sprache zur Verfügung stehen, sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Wie erfasst das Kind die verschiedenen “Welten”, die in alltäglichen Sätzen wie den folgenden verborgen liegen und leicht zu Missverständnissen führen können:
– “Kannst Du die Erbsen nicht essen?”
– “Was hat er gesagt, dass er geglaubt hat, dass er tun kann?”
Wir werden sehen, dass viele sprachlichen Fähigkeiten bereits angeboren sind und nicht erst erlernt werden müssen.
Im Anschluss besteht wie immer die Gelegenheit zu Gesprächen in kleineren Gruppen.
Das Öffentlichkeitsteam des Leibniz-Zentrums Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Jesney to Carleton University
Karen Jesney (PhD 2011) has accepted a tenure-track position in Language Acquisition at Carleton University. Congratulations Karen!