Meetings of the Experimental Laboratories will be held every other Thursday 4-5:15 PM in ILC N451. The first meeting will be 8 September 2016. Expect generous amounts of phonetics, psycholinguistics, badinage, persiflage, and snacks.
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Phonetics Laboratory: 04 September 16
RAs needed for Eyetracking Lab in Psychological and Brain Sciences
The UMass Eyetracking Lab ( is looking for one or two new Undergrad Research Assistants for the Fall 2016 term. Interested students should contact Professor Adrian Staub at Students can receive course credit in either Psychology or Linguistics.
RAs in the Eyetracking Lab help to run experiments in which readers’ eye movements are monitored, as a way to understand various aspects of language comprehension, including word recognition and syntactic parsing. Some experiments also use eye movements to investigate spoken language comprehension.
Background in linguistics and/or cognitive psychology is helpful. Interest in these topics is required. The typical commitment is for 9 hrs/week, including a lab meeting.
Psycholing 10/1 11:30: ACT-R
In Psycholinguistics Workshop, Caroline Andrews is leading a discussion of recent work in the ACT-R framework.
Syntax 10/2 2:15: Murphy
Andrew Murphy will give a talk this Friday in Syntax Workshop, which meets in N458 at 2:15. The title of his talk is “Cumulativity and Opacity in Syntactic Derivations: Arguments for Weighted Constraints.”
SSRG 9/28 7:30
AIMM starting 10/2 2:15
UMass is hosting the third meeting of the American International Morphology Meeting this weekend. The meeting starts this Friday, October 2, with a tutorial from 2:30 to 5:30 on Building digital resources by Kie Zuraw and Matt Wagers. The talks start on Saturday at 9:00 and the conference ends on Sunday. UMass is represented by Hsin-Lun Huang who will be giving the paper “Argument structure and causatively in Mandarin resultatives”, Kristine Yu who will be giving the paper “Tonal marking of absolutive case in Samoan.” and Jaieun Kim who will be jointly presenting “Locality in Suppletive Allomorphy of ?GIVE in Korean.” For more information, go here.
Phonology 10/1 4 p.m. Jarosz practice talk
Gaja Jarosz will present a practice talk for AMP in rm. N451 at 4 p.m. Thursday to the phonology grant group.
Sound 10/2 1:15: Kimper
Wendell Kimper will present a practice talk for AMP in Sound Workshop Friday at 1:15. Optional background reading is here (Moreton and Pater 2012 Part II).
Semantics 9/30 12:20: Altshuler
Wednesday 9/30 at 12:20, the Semantics Workshop will feature a talk by Daniel Altshuler (Hampshire), titled “Does Viewpoint Aspect Make Reference to Time?”