For students with prior programming experience, see guidance regarding placement into the Computer Science intro programming sequence (CICS 110, 160, 201) at this page. For students with prior experience in Calculus, see guidance regarding placement/exemptions in Math 131/132 at this page.
Notes on enrollment: CompLing majors will be able to enroll in CICS 110, CICS 160, CICS 210, CS 240, and CS 485 themselves on SPIRE provided they meet the prerequisites. However, CompLing majors with Senior status (87 credits and above) will need to request to enroll in CICS 110, CICS 160, or CICS 210, in an expedited override process: please email, include the reason for the request (COMPLING Senior by credits), your SPIRE ID, and the five digit numbers for both the lecture and lab sections you prefer.
For all other computer science courses, CompLing majors need to go through the regular override process.
Linguistics (8 courses): [26-27 credits]
- Linguist 201 Introduction to Linguistic Theory (4 cr)
- Linguist 301 Introduction to Syntax (3 cr) [prereq Ling 201]
- Linguist 302 Fundamentals of Speech Sounds (3 cr) [prereq Ling 201]
- Linguist 510 Introduction to Semantics [prereq Ling 201, 301] (4 cr)
- Linguist 409 Introduction to Computational Linguistics (3cr) [prereq Ling 201 and CICS 110 or COMPSCI 119 or permission of instructor]
- Linguist 429H Computational Linguistics: Use and Meaning (3 cr) [preq Ling 409]
- Linguist 305 Junior Year Writing (Linguistics, 3 cr)
- One of:
- Linguist 394BI Language & Cognition (IE) (3 cr) [prereq Ling 201] OR
- Linguist 412 Language Processing & the Brain (IE) (3 cr) [prereq Ling 201]
Computer Science (5 courses): [18-19 credits]
- CICS 110 Foundations of Programming (4 cr) [prereq Math R1]
- CICS 160 Object Oriented Programming (4 cr) [prereq CICS 110]
- CICS 210 Data Structures (4 cr) [prereq CICS 160]
- CS 485 Applications of Natural Language Processing (3 cr) [prereq LING429H or (CS240 & (220|230))]
- One additional 200+ COMPSCI course (3-4 cr)
Math Background (2 courses): [6 credits]
- Math 131 Calculus I (3 cr)
- Math 132 Calculus II (3 cr) [prereq Math 131]
One floating elective [3-4 credits]
- Industry Practicum / Linguistics 400+ / CS 200+ (1 course, 3-4 cr)
Some recommended courses for the floating elective:
– MATH 235 Introduction to Linear Algebra (3 cr) [prereq: MATH 132] (exceptionally allowed although not LING or CS course)
– CS 240 Reasoning under Uncertainty (4 cr) [prereq: CICS 160]
An example progression through the curriculum would be:
- Semester 1: Linguist 201, Math 131, CICS 110
- Semester 2: Linguist 301, Linguist 302, Math 132, CICS 160
- Semester 3: Linguist 409, CICS 210, Linguist 510
- Semester 4: Linguist 429H, Junior Year Writing
- Semester 5: CS 485, CS 200+ elective, Linguist 412 (IE)
- Semester 6: Industry Practicum/CS200+/Linguist 400+
Common requirements for all majors:
A grade of C or better must be earned in any course used to satisfy major requirements.
College of Humanities and Fine Arts requirement:
Foreign Language: All students must demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language at the intermediate level.
University Graduation requirements:
See the New Student Orientation and Transition’s Requirements page for more details about University graduation requirements, including General Education requirements. You must accumulate at least 120 credits/units to graduate.