FALL 2024

101People and Their Language
Rajesh BhattMW 1:25-2:15
101 AA-AFPeople and Their Language (discussion sections)
190DData Science for LinguisticsBrandon PrickettOnline
201 (1)
How Language Works: Introduction to Linguistic Theory (R2)
Seth CableMW 1:25-2:15
201 (C/UWW)
How Language Works: Introduction to Linguistic Theory (R2)
201 (2)
How Language Works: Introduction to Linguistic Theory (R2)
StaffTuTh 1:00 - 2:15
201 AA-AD
How Language Works: Introduction to Linguistic Theory (R2) (discussion sections)
205 (prev. 290STA)Language and AdvertisementMaria BiezmaTuTh 2:30-3:45
301Introduction to SyntaxTBDTuTh 10:00-11:15
305Writing for LinguisticsMagda OiryTuTh 1:00-2:15
330The Structure of English and Language TeachingJoe PaterOnline
390BFrench LinguisticsMagda OiryMW 2:30-3:45ILC N400
402Speech Sounds and StructureMichael Becker/ Gaja
TuTh 11:30-12:45
409Introduction to Computational LinguisticsRajesh Bhatt/Kristine YuMW 2:30-3:45
409LLabRajesh Bhatt/Kristine YuF 12:20-1:10
412Language Processing and the BrainShota Momma NegishiTuTh 2:30-3:45
413Language Variation and Social ContextLisa GreenTuTh 11:30-12:45
414Introduction to PhoneticsJohn KingstonMWF 11:15-12:05
414LLabJohn KingstonT 4:00-5:15
510Introduction to SemanticsAna ArreguiTuTh 10:00-11:15
510LLabTBDF 1:25-2:15
601Introduction to Transformational GrammarKyle JohnsonMW 10:00-12:05
603Generative PhonologyGaja JaroszTuTh 2:30-3:45
609Formal Foundations of LinguisticsShota Momma NegishiMW 2:30-3:45
610Introduction to SemanticsVincent HomerTuTh 10:00-11:15
720Semantics ProseminarAna Arregui/ Brian DillonTuTh 2:30-3:45
730Sound ProseminarJoe Pater/ Michael BeckerTuTh 1:00-2:15
750Syntax SeminarTBDMW 4:00-5:15
791AColloquium/SeminarJohn KingstonF 3:30-5:15
791BSound Workshop (Seminar)
791DSemantics Workshop (Seminar)
791PPsycholinguistics Workshop (Seminar)
791SSyntax Workshop (Seminar)