Student learning objectives

Our undergraduate major has 6 broad learning objectives. These objectives aim to develop knowledge and skills that are applicable not only in linguistics, but in a wide range of intellectual contexts and professions.

Learning Objective 1:  Ability to reason analytically about language

Learning Objective 2: Basic quantitative and computational competence in language research

Learning Objective 3: An understanding of linguistic theories and their relationship to language diversity

Learning Objective 4: An understanding of linguistic discrimination

Learning Objective 5: Ability to communicate about language

Learning Objective 6: Ability to work as an effective member of a team

The table below shows how these objectives are aligned with the courses offered in our department.

Course NumberCourse Title1. Analytic reasoning2. Computational and quantitative3. Linguistic theories and language diversity4. Understanding linguistic discrimination5. Communicating about language6. Effectiveness in teamwork
101People and Their Languagexxxxxx
150Language Through Timexxxx
201How Language Works: Introduction to Linguistic Theoryxxx
205Language and Advertisementxxxx
301Introduction to Syntaxxxxxx
302Fundamentals of Speech Soundsxxxx
305Writing for Linguistics (JYW)xxxx
330The Structure of English and Language Teachingxxx
350Syntax and Dialects of English (JYW)xxxxx
387French Linguisticsxxxx
389Introduction to African American Englishxxxxx
394Language and Cognition (IE)xxxxx
402Speech Sounds and Structurexxxx
404Field Methods (IE)xxxx
409Introduction to Computational Linguisticsxxx
411Introduction to Language Acquisitionxxxxx
412Language Processing and the Brain (IE)xxxx
413Language Variation and Social Contextsxxxx
414Introduction to Phonetics for Linguistsxxxxxx
429Advanced Computational Linguistics (Honors)xxx
470The Sounds of Englishesxxxxxx
497Introduction to Pragmaticsxxxx
503Intermediate Syntaxx
506Introduction to Tone and Intonationxxxxx
510Introduction to Semanticsxxxx
591Second Language Acquisitionxxxxx
591Advanced Semanticsxxxx
592Speech Processingxxx