Student research funding

Student research funding google form:

Faculty sponsor google form:

Fill out the above student research funding form to request funds from the department to support your research. Every project must have a faculty sponsor, who must fill out the faculty sponsor form.

E-mail Narda Wakoluk when your application is complete.

Students should also apply for a graduate school research grants (including the pre-dissertation grant), or for an NSF dissertation research improvement grant.

Appropriate uses of this money include (but are not limited to) fees paid to native-speaker consultants or experimental subjects, partial support for linguistic field work, travel to consult archival materials, or purchase of equipment (other than personal computers). Do not request stipend or salary for yourself. Do not use this form to apply for travel to conferences (instead see Eligibility is limited to doctoral students in the Department of Linguistics. (For collaborative projects, at least one of the researchers must meet this criterion.) 

The usual limit is $1000, but proposals for linguistic field work that include travel, subsistence, and consultants’ fees will be considered for up to $2500. Both of these limits can be exceeded under special circumstances.