Classes take place in Herter 204, T-Th. 2:30 – 3:45.
Scheduled classes
Week 1 Jan. 19-21 Introduction, history of experimental phonology
- HG/Experimentation, HG/HS (JP)
- Read Ohala 1986, Pierrehumbert, Beckman and Ladd 2000, Coetzee, Kager and Pater 2009.
Week 2 Jan. 26-28 Harmonic Grammar/Harmonic Serialism
- Serial HG (JP) (OT-Help files; class handout; handout files; grant meeting handout)
- Associated optional readings: Dell and Elmedlaoui 2002, Jesney 2009, Elfner 2009, McCarthy 2010, Bane and Riggle 2010, Moreton and Smolensky 2002, Pater 2008
- OT-Help 2.0 explorations
Weeks 3-4 Feb. 2 – 9
- Claire Moore-Cantwell on Chaha palatization in HS and OT-Help
- Emily Elfner on Selayarese stress-epenthesis interactions in serial HG
- John Kingston on lexical influences on perception, R analysis
Week 4 Feb. 11
- Targeted constraints: Wilson 2003, Wilson 2006
Week 5 Feb. 18
- Derivational constraints: Pater 2010 draft
Week 6 Feb. 23-25
- Robert Staubs on Finite State Machines (handout; see Wilson 2006 above)
- Kager and Pater 2008 (JP)
Week 7 March 2-4
- Clint Hartzell and Kevin Mullin on Kirby to appear
- Brian Smith on Goldrick in press
(More on phonotactics: Albright 2009, Boll-Avetisyan in press)
Week 8 Mar. 9-11
- Presley Pizzo on Berent et al. 2009 (handout), Dupoux and colleagues (e.g. Dupoux et al. 1999) (JP handout)
- Robert Staubs on perceptual biases and lexical stratification: Moreton and Amano 1999, Gelbart and Kawahara 2007, Jurgec 2009
Spring Break Mar. 16-18 (Pycha visit 15-16)
Week 9 Mar. 23-25
- Stats: normal and t-distribution, F-test, t-test, wilcoxon, chi-square (handout)
- Noah Silbert talk
(Infant learning of alternations: White et al. 2008)
Week 10 Mar. 30-Apr. 1
- Claire Moore-Cantwell on wug-testing: Hayes et al. in press, Becker et al. 2008, Pierrehumbert 2006
- Phonotactics and alternations: Pater and Tessier 2006 (handout: also Perceptron-based simulation)
Week 11 Apr. 6-8
- ANOVA: Crawley pp. 155-175 (see stats resources page for correct one-way file). (handout)
- Kager and Pater (2008) comparative well-formedness data: kp.txt, kp.oneway.txt, analysis.R
- Kevin Mullin on category learning in mixture of gaussians models: Dillon et al. n.d., Toscano and McMurray (2008), Vallabha et al. (2007)
Week 12 Apr. 13-15
- Scalar constraints vs. stringency in HG and OT (handout, OT-Help files, paper)
- Linear regression (Crawley pp. 125-145, 163-166) and logistic regression (pp. 247-260)
- Brian Smith on Zuraw 2009
Week 13 Apr. 20-22
- Presley Pizzo on Wilson 2006, Turkish codas
- Clint Hartzell on learning simulations, Ryan 2010
(More on artificial language learning: Finley and Badecker 2008, Moreton 2008)
Week 14 April 27-29
- Claudia Pons Moll on rhotic metathesis in Algherese Catalan
- Iterated gradual learning (Systemic simplicity handout, Clements 2003)
- Gradient phonotactics and Muna OCP-Place (Coetzee and Pater 2008, Anttila 2008, Wilson and Obdeyn 2009)
Week 15 Tues. May 5
- Research presentations: Claire Moore-Cantwell, Presley Pizzo, Robert Staubs (Hartzell, Mullin and Smith in 2nd year conference).
Alternations and phonological parsing
- Lee and Pater 2008 (JP)
- Kraljic et al 2008, see also references in Lee and Pater
Frequency effects on grammar