Linguistics 797C – Computational Phonology
Spring 2017 Tentative Syllabus
meeting: TTh 4:00 – 5:15pm, ILC N458
instructor: Gaja Jarosz
office: Integrated Learning Center, N410
office hours: Tu 1-2pm and by appointment
This a graduate course in computational phonology. We will be covering a lot of ground in this course (see the schedule and readings and paper presentation bibliography). Class will be a combination of lecture, discussion, and workshop-style problem solving. To best prepare for the course material, I strongly recommend you have prior programming experience in python. You can learn or refresh your python skills prior to the start of class here:
The requirements for this course include 3-4 labs, 1 term paper, in class discussion of required readings, and 1-3 paper presentations (depending on number of participants).