Tentative Schedule

(subject to change)

Week Topic Readings / Assignments Presentations
1 Jan 24 Computational Foundations – Python, RegExp, MinEdit Online Python reading
Jan 26 J&M+ 2.1, 3.11
2 Jan 31 Phonotactics I – Basic probability, N-Grams, Smoothing Tesar 6-6.2, J&M 4-4.5.1
Feb 2
3 Feb 7 Catch-up & Lab Lab 1 Assigned  
Feb 9 SNOW DAY  
4 Feb 14 Phonotactics II – O/E, MaxEnt Hayes & Wilson (2008) P1 (Andrew)
Feb 16 Structural and Substantive Biases Daland et al (2011) P3b (Brandon)
5 Feb 21   Wilson (2006) P2 (Leland)
Feb 23 Mappings – CD/GLA, Restrictiveness Prince & Tesar (2004) P4 (Coral)
6 Feb 28 Rules Albright & Hayes (2003) P5 (Amanda D)
Mar 2 Catch-up & Lab Lab 2 Assigned 
7 Mar 7 More Rules P6* (Brandon)-7(Jack)
Mar 9 Hidden Structure I – MRCD/RIP/P&P Dresher & Kaye (1990)
8 Mar 21 HMMs, Viterbi, & Forward J&M 5.5, 6-6.4
Mar 23 EM (Forward-Backward) J&M 6.5  
9 Mar 28 Stochastic Parsing Jarosz (2013) P8* (Andrew)
Mar 30 Catch-up & Lab  
10 Apr 4 Deriving Stress Biases P9 (Jack) – 10*(Katie)
Apr 6 Hidden Structure II – learning URs Tesar & Prince (2003) P11*a or b (Andrew)
11 Apr 11 Rasin & Katzir (2016), Johnson (1984)
Apr 13 Derivations P12 (Amanda D), P14a (Carolyn)
12 Apr 18  NO CLASS (Monday schedule)
Apr 20 Jarosz (2016)  P13* (Brandon)
13 Apr 25  Exceptions  Zuraw (2010)  P15 (Katie)
Apr 27 Moore-Cantwell & Staubs (2014) P16 (Amanda R)
14 May 2  10 min. project presentations!
May 10 Papers due


* indicates shorter, conference papers