Basic Python Overview
Python Codeacademy
Our main python text:
Probability (see sections 6-6.2)
Regular Expressions or Section 2.1 in the new J&M edition
MinEdit (read first 2/3rds, up to Bellman quote) or Section 2.4 in the new J&M edition
N-grams (4-4.4 in the new J&M edition)
HMMs (Chapter 9 in the new J&M edition)
Required Papers
Albright, Adam and Bruce Hayes. 2003. Rules Vs. Analogy in English Past Tenses: A Computational Experimental Study. Cognition 90:119-161.
Daland, Robert, Bruce Hayes, James White, Marc Garellek, Andrea Davis, and Ingrid Norrmann. 2011. Explaining Sonority Projection Effects. Phonology 28:197-234.
Dresher,B. Elan, and Jonathan Kaye. 1990. A computational learning model for metrical phonology. Cognition 34:137-195.
Hayes, Bruce and Colin Wilson. 2008. A Maximum Entropy Model of Phonotactics and Phonotactic Learning. Linguistic Inquiry 39:379-440.
Jarosz, Gaja. 2013. Learning with hidden structure in Optimality Theory and Harmonic Grammar: Beyond robust interpretive parsing. Phonology, 30(1):27–71.
Jarosz, Gaja. 2016. Learning Opaque and Transparent Interactions in Harmonic Serialism. Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Meetings on Phonology, Vancouver, BC.
Johnson, Mark. 1984. A discovery procedure for certain phonological rules. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 344-347, Stanford.
Jurafsky and Martin. 2008. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition (Excerpts). Second Edition.
Moore-Cantwell, Claire and Robert Staubs. 2014. Modeling Morphological Subgeneralizations. Proceedings of the 2013 meeting on Phonology. Edited by John Kingston, Claire Moore-Cantwell, Joe Pater and Robert Staubs. Linguistic Society of America, Washington, DC.
Prince, Alan, and Tesar, Bruce. 2004. Learning phonotactic distributions. In Constraints in Phonological Acquisition, ed. by René Kager, Joe Pater, and Wim Zonneveld, 245-291. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Revised version of Technical Report RuCCS-TR-54, Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science, Rutgers University, 1999)
Rasin, Ezer and Roni Katzir. 2016. On evaluation metrics in Optimality Theory. In Linguistic Inquiry.
Tesar, Bruce, and Alan Prince. 2003. Using phonotactics to learn phonological alternations. In CLS 39-2: The panels. Papers from the 39th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, ed. by Jonathan E. Cihlar, Amy Franklin, David W. Kaiser, and Irene Kimbara, 209–237. Chicago: University of Chicago, Chicago Linguistic Society.
Wilson, Colin. 2006. Learning phonology with substantive bias: An experimental and computational investigation of velar palatalization. Cognitive Science 30:945–982.
Zuraw, Kie (2010). A model of lexical variation and the grammar with application to Tagalog nasal substitution. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 28(2): 417-472.
Further Readings
Akers, Crystal. (2011). Simultaneous Learning of Hidden Linguistic Structures. Ph.D. Thesis. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
Albright, Adam (2009). Feature-based generalisation as a source of gradient acceptability. Phonology 26. 9–41.
Becker, M., N. Ketrez, and A. Nevins (2011). The surfeit of the stimulus: analytic biases filter lexical statistics in Turkish laryngeal alternations. Language 87(1), 84–125.
Boersma, Paul and Bruce Hayes. 2001. Empirical Tests of the Gradual Learning Algorithm. Linguistic Inquiry 32:45-86.
Gabriel Doyle & Roger Levy. 2016. Data-driven learning of symbolic constraints for a log-linear model in a phonological setting. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING).
Ernestus, M and R H Baayen. 2003. Predicting the Unpredictable: Interpreting Neutralized Segments in Dutch. Language:5-38.
Frisch, Stefan A, Janet B Pierrehumbert, and Michael B Broe. 2004. Similarity Avoidance and the OCP. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 22:179-228.
Goldrick, Matthew and Meredith Larson. 2008. Phonotactic Probability Influences Speech Production. Cognition 107:1155 – 1164.
Goldwater, Sharon & Mark Johnson (2003), Learning OT Constraint Rankings Using a Maximum Entropy Model. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Variation Within Optimality Theory. Stockholm University.
Hammond, Michael. 2004. Gradience, Phonotactics, and the Lexicon in English Phonology. International Journal of English Studies 4:1-24.
Hayes, Bruce, and Zsuzsa Cziraky Londe. 2006. Stochastic phonological knowledge: The case of Hungarian vowel harmony. Phonology 23:59–104.
Hayes, Bruce, Kie Zuraw, Péter Siptár, and Zsuzsa Cziráky Londe (2009). Natural and Unnatural Constraints in Hungarian Vowel Harmony. Language 85: 822-863.
Hayes, Bruce. 2011. Interpreting sonority-projection experiments: the role of phonotactic modeling. Proceedings of the 17th international congress of phonetic sciences, 835–838.
Jarosz, Gaja. 2010. Implicational Markedness and Frequency in Constraint-Based Computational Models of Phonological Learning. Journal of Child Language 37(3), Special Issue on Computational Models of Child Language Learning:565-606.
Jarosz, Gaja. 2016. Computational Models of Learning with Violable Constraints. In The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Linguistics, ed. Jeff Lidz, William Snyder, and Joe Pater. Oxford University Press.
Jarosz, Gaja and Rysling. 2017. Sonority Sequencing in Polish: the Combined Roles of Prior Bias & Experience. To appear in Proceedings of AMP 2016.
Jäger, Gerhard. 2007. Maximum Entropy Models and Stochastic Optimality Theory. In Architectures, Rules, and Preferences: Variation on Themes by Joan Bresnan, ed. Annie Zaenen, Jane Simpson, Tracy Holloway King, Jane Grimshaw, Joan Maling, and Chris Manning, 467-79. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Kager, R, and J Pater. 2010. “Phonotactics As Phonology: Knowledge of a Complex Constraint in Dutch.” Utrecht: University of Utrecht, and Amherst: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MS.
Martin, Andrew. 2011. Grammars Leak: Modeling How Phonotactic Generalizations Interact Within the Grammar. Language 87, no. 4 : 751-770.
Moore-Cantwell, Claire and Joe Pater. 2016. Gradient Exceptionality in Maximum Entropy Grammar with Lexically Specific Constraints. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 15, 53-66.
Pater, Joe (2008), Gradual Learning and Convergence. Linguistic Inquiry 39(2):334-345.
Tesar, Bruce (2004), Using Inconsistency Detection to Overcome Structural Ambiguity. Linguistic Inquiry 35(2):219-253.?
Zuraw, Kie. 2000. Patterned Exceptions in Phonology, Doctoral dissertation, UCLA.