Peer-Reviewed Work
Keough, Leyla
2015 Worker-Mothers on the Margins of Europe: Gender and Migration between Moldova and Istanbul. Bloomington: Indiana University Press and Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Press.
2006 Globalizing ‘Postsocialism:’ Mobile Mothers and Neoliberalism on the Margins of Europe. Anthropological Quarterly 21(3):431-461.
2004 Mobile Domestics and Trafficking Discourse in the Margins of Europe. Focaal – European Journal of Anthropology 43:14-26.
2003 Driven Women: Reconceptualizing Women in Traffic through the Case of Gagauz Mobile Domestic Laborers in Istanbul. Anthropology of East European Review 21(2) (Autumn): 73-80.
Reviews, Encyclopaedia Entries, and Edited Work
Keough, Leyla
2016 Featured Review of Economies of Violence: Transnational Feminism, Postsocialism and the Politics of Sex Trafficking. Slavic Review 75(4): 992-6.
2015 Review of Interpreting Clifford Geertz: Cultural Investigation in the Social Sciences. Contemporary Sociology 44(4): 481-482.
2014 Review of Villages on Stage: Folklore and Nationalism in the Republic of Moldova. Anthropology of East European Review 32(2): 99-100.
2004 Review of Islamist Mobilization in Turkey: A Study of Vernacular Politics. Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (Fall).
1999 Blacks in Europe; Blacks in Great Britain; Blacks in The Netherlands; Blacks in the Middle East. In Encyclopaedia Africana, edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Anthony Appiah. New York: Perseus Books.
Keough, Leyla, ed.
2010 Gender, Ethnicity and the Nation-state: Anatolia and its Neighboring Regions. Proceedings of the Second Annual Hrant Dink Memorial Workshop.
1999 Encyclopaedia Africana, “Blacks in Europe” section. New York: Perseus.