Category Archives: LQ events

Workshop on Author Agreements

Charlotte Roh and I are running a workshop today for ISSR (Institute for Social Science Research), on negotiating your author agreements.

Author Negotiations Workshop, ISSR, April 17 – 107 Bartlett Hall, 1pm – 3pm

“Negotiating Author Contracts and Agreements” with Laura Quilter, the Copyright and Information Policy Librarian at UMass Amherst

Friday, April 17, 2015 – 1:00pm to 3:00pm
107 Bartlett Hall

Scholars routinely sign away rights when they publish — rights that they need to share their own work with colleagues and students, and rights they need to publish and research new work. What rights should faculty keep, and what are the best strategies for negotiating author agreements? Laura Quilter and Charlotte Roh, both with the Scholarly Communication Dept. at the Libraries, will review the issues and bring their respective legal and publishing expertise.

Laura Quilter is the Copyright and Information Policy Librarian at the UMass Amherst Libraries. She educates the campus community on copyright and related matters, through workshops and consultations. She is an attorney (JD, UC Berkeley 2003) and librarian (MLS, University of Kentucky, 1993).

Charlotte Roh is the Scholarly Communication Resident Librarian at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she is manages the institutional repository, ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. She is involved in library publishing, author consultations, and scholarly communication social justice. Her background is in academic publishing with Oxford University Press and Taylor & Francis, and she continues to freelance as an editor.


Nicole Allen (@txtbks) and I will be speaking at a panel
at LibrePlanet in Cambridge, MA, this weekend:

New research techniques like data mining have highlighted the shortcomings in “free” (as in beer) licensing of academic research, and the benefits of “libre” licensing that permits true scholarly engagement with data and scholarship. These challenges apply equally in the education sphere, where teachers often need to manipulate resources and not simply distribute them. We will survey what is sometimes called the “open movement” in academia, which incorporates open access, open education, and open data. How are researchers and educators grappling with these challenges, and what can they learn from the free software movement?

Copyright Bootcamp, Jan. 13 and 14, 2015

Just a reminder to all who signed up: We’ll be hosting our first UMass copyright bootcamp on January 13 and 14th, from 10am to 3pm. We were so over-subscribed on the 14th that we added another session on the 13th, and thanks to all who helped us by swapping sessions to accommodate those who did not have date flexibility.

See you next week!

Long Arm of the Law at the Charleston Conference

I’ll be presenting tomorrow (Nov. 7, 2014) at the “Long Arm of the Law” program at the Charleston Conference, with Bill Hannay, and Ann Okerson moderating. I get to do copyright …. link

Panel description:

This is the 4th year of the Charleston Conference’s legal update session. We wondered if there would be enough to report (no big supreme court cases this time around), but… with copyright and legal matters, there’s always something compelling. Our two legal panelists (one new to Charleston and the other a repeat offender on this panel!) will offer views and insights on topics such as:

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