Category Archives: humor

Patry quote on TEACH Act

I ran across this Patry quote today that I enjoyed:

“[T]he drafting [of Section 110(2), the TEACH Act] is so ugly that it certainly supports the carbon-dating theory of amendments to the Copyright Act: the vintage of an amendment can be determined by its prolixity and resemblance to a poorly drafted contract, the more prolix and poorly drafted the more recent the amendment.”

Patry on Copyright, s. 14:35 (p.14-72)

Superbowl trademark humor

The overly protectionist attitude of lawyers towards certain high-profile trademarks, copyrights, and patents, has become legendary among fans and scholars.  The attitude is particularly prevalent in sports.  The Olympics took it the US Supreme Court.  The World Cup has issued many a “takedown notice”.

The NFL and the Superbowl are not immune, and we intellectual property geeks got a good laugh out of this smirking S—-b— commercial.



Elsevier is, for better or worse, the academic publisher that everyone loves to hate.  They have become the poster-child for everything that is wrong with for-profit paywalled access to scholarship and knowledge.

Here’s an amusing take-off on “Elsebeer”: Perhaps the funniest part of it is that several people I’ve shown it to have been, at least initially, confused into thinking it was real.