Oh, #Elsevier. STILL charging for #openaccess articles, two years after you were caught doing it. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/03/21/major-publisher-elsevier-caught-charging-money-for-open-access-science-articles/ … @ElsevierConnect
Tag Archives: Elsevier
Elsevier is, for better or worse, the academic publisher that everyone loves to hate. They have become the poster-child for everything that is wrong with for-profit paywalled access to scholarship and knowledge.
Here’s an amusing take-off on “Elsebeer”: http://fragments-of-truth.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/academic-publisher-unveils-new-journal.html Perhaps the funniest part of it is that several people I’ve shown it to have been, at least initially, confused into thinking it was real.