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For information on what you need to do to receive academic credit, see:
For SBS Postings, see:
- Check out the International Programs Office Website for deadlines for UMass-sponsored study abroad programs and other opportunities.
- For additional information on finding internships abroad, see: Working and Interning Abroad: Finding International Internships and Entry-level Jobs
Public Service Careerswww.publicservicecareers.org/
Careers with Non-Profitswww.idealist.org
National Conference of Black Political Scientists Career Linkhttp://www.ncobps.org/careers.html
Career Networkchronicle.com/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education’s “Career Network” site features job listings in higher education by discipline, advise for job seekers, job-market news, as well as first-person accounts from job-seekers in higher education.
HigherEdJobs.comwww.higheredjobs.com/HigherEdJobs.com is the largest job database focused exclusively on college and university positions. Their focus is to provide a recruitment tool that adds value to the job seeker and recruiter by providing cost-effective, innovative, useful, and timely services in all areas of the site. HigherEdJobs.com was designed to help job seekers and job posters in higher education find each other.
Job Guidewww.h-net.org/jobs/The Job Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences is prepared by H-Net, Humanities and Social Sciences Online. The site covers positions in History and other fields in the Humanities and social sciences and is updated every Monday. The site allows customized searching and an archive of previous jobs.
Jobs in Higher Educationwww.academic360.com/A site prepared by the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Texas at Austin for jobs in higher education. The site is updated frequently.
JournalismJobs.comwww.journalismjobs.com/JournalismJobs.com is operated in association with Columbia Journalism Review magazine, through Columbia University, and is a free service for job seekers.
USA Jobswww.usajobs.opm.gov/The U.S. Government’s official site for jobs and employment information, maintained by the Office of Personnel Management. Many positions requiring a social science background can be found through this site.
Student Jobshttp://www.studentjobs.gov/The U.S. Government’s official site for employment geared towards students and recent graduates. The site is maintained by the Office of Personnel Management and allows students to find and apply for internships, entry level positions and other opportunities with the federal government.
The Politix Groupwww.politixgroup.com/This site provides links to job listings in U.S. federal agencies, U.S. Congressional offices, and international legislatures. The Politix Group is an independently run private organization whose purpose is to increase knowledge and understanding of the political process with the purpose of inspiring early involvement and activism at the local, state and federal levels of government.
National Council of State Legislatureswww.ncsl.org/public/joblegis.htm
National Governor’s Associationwww.nga.org
Careers in Public Service–National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administrationwww.naspaa.org/students/careers/careers.asp Advice on seeking a career in public service, first-person accounts, links to resources to find public service jobs.
National League of Citieswww.nlc.org/job_opportunities/jobpostings.aspx
American Association for Public Opinion Researchwww.aapor.org AAPOR/WAPOR (World Association) Blue Book is a comprehensive directory of agencies and organizations
Congressional Research Servicewww.loc.gov/crsinfo/
World Banklnweb28.worldbank.org/hrs/careers.nsf/
The Chronicle of Philanthropyhttp://philanthropy.com/jobs/
AJR NewsLinkhttp://newslink.org/JOBLINK for Journalists
Southeast Diversity Journalismhttp://newsjobs.com/home.htmlThe National Diversity Newspaper Jobbank. Emphasis on employment for minorities and women
In addition to paid positions, all of the following offices provide internships.
U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committeewww.senate.gov/~foreign/The Committee studies and reviews, on a comprehensive basis, matters relating to the national security policy, foreign policy, and international economic policy as it relates to the United States.
U.S.House International Relations Committeewwwc.house.gov/international_relations/The Committee studies and reviews, on a comprehensive basis, matters relating to the national security policy, foreign policy, and international economic policy as it relates to the United States.
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission)www.csce.gov/The Commission is authorized and directed: “to monitor the acts of the signatories which reflect compliance with or violation of the articles of the Finacl Act of Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, with particular regard to the provisions relating to Human Rights and Cooperation in Humanitarian Fields…,” and “to report to the House of Representatives and the Senate with respect to the matters covered by this Act on a periodic basis and to provide information to members of the House and Senate as requested.” This is a bipartisan office.
In addition to paid positions, all of the following offices provide internships.U.S. Department of Statewww.careers.state.gov/Information on becoming a Foreign Service Officer, Foreign Service Specialist, or Civil Service employee for the U.S. Department of State.
U.S. Department of Defensehttp://www.defenselink.mil/other_info/careers.html
Central Intelligence Agencyhttps://www.cia.gov/careers/index.html
Many foreign embassies in Washington and their consulates in major U.S. cities seek American citizens to fill vacancies. The United States Department of State provides links to most of these embassies websites atwww.usembassy.gov/.
Many students have questions about how to get the Five College International Relations Certificate. Read on for some common questions and their answers…
Academic Credit for Internships
Washington Center Internship applications for the fall 2008 semester are still being accepted on a space-available basis.The competitive deadline for the Spring 2009 Semester, Winter and Spring Quarters and Postgraduate is September 29, 2008.The early deadline range for the Summer 2009 Term, Quarter and Postgraduate begins September 29, 2008.The regular deadline for the Spring 2009 Semester, Winter and Spring Quarters and Postgraduate is November 15, 2008.Updates and additional information available at The Washington Center.