My electronic publications

My first electronic publication was a translation of my first published article, “Rebelión y resistencia en El apando,” about José Revueltas’ novel. It appeared in La jornada semanal on April 1, 2001.

I have recently written an electronic bibliography on Indigenismo for Oxford Bibliographies. This was my first specifically electronic publication. Beyond learning about the subject matter, it was a very enlightening experience on the possibilities and limitations of this new electronic format.

I had previously published a review of Ringside Seat to a Revolution, by David Dorado Romo, for E3W Review of Books. This was particularly significant to me, because it appeared in a special 2009 issue commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the UT program on “Ethnic and Third World Litaratures”, first lead by Barbara Harlow, Bernth Lindfords, Wanhneema Lubiano and Ramón Saldívar (the first and last having been crucial mentors in my life).

In November of 2010 I had the opportunity to teach at Tehran University. Out of this experience came two interviews that were published in Iranian electronic journals. One was a short reflection about my visit and the other was my reaction to the religious ceremonies in commemorating the martyrdom and death of Imam Hossein, very reminiscent to me of the Easter processions so common in Latin America and Spain.

Now, since I started the blog, I am happy to say that my first longer post “My current worries about ‘comprehensive immigration reform’” was also posted on Latino Rebels. This is very encouraging, as their site and project have been an inspiration for me to engage in this media.

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