Massachusetts Association of Teachers and Speakers of Other Languages: Pre-Conference Institute, Teaching and Learning Content-Based Literacies: Systemic Functional Linguistics in Action. Designed to support participants in exploring how language works to construct content-specific meanings in students’ texts as mandated by state and national standards. MATSOL Conference. Framingham, MA 2019.

University of Colorado, Silver Springs: Provide professional development workshops for pre- and in-service teachers as well as consult on the research design for a five-year study of inclusion teachers’ ability to support students’ academic language development. 2017-present.

WIDA Consortium (World-class Instructional Design and Assessment): Provide feedback on the organization’s conceptual framework for designing standards and assessments to be used with learners of disciplinary English and Spanish. WIDA standards and assessment systems have been adopted by 33 state agencies in the United States and internationally. 2016-present.

Public Service Endowment Grant: Supporting Teachers’ Professional Development and Students’ Disciplinary Literacy Development in Springfield High Schools ($15,000). 2015-2016.

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education: ACCELA/DESE Fellowships ($80,000). Scholarships for Springfield and Holyoke Public School teachers to earn a graduate degree and state license in Reading and/or ESL through the ACCELA Alliance. 2012-2014.

College of Education Research Fellowship: District-University Partnership, Analyzing Student Data and Supporting ELLS’ Academic Performance ($12,900). Meg Gebhard (PI) & Betsy McEneaney. Design of a qualitative and quantitative study of changes in teachers’ instructional practices and implications for ELLs’ academic literacy development. Conducted in collaboration with Holyoke and Springfield Public Schools. 2012-2013.

College of Education, Innovative Instructional Fellow: $3,000 to support the design of an online course focusing on academic language development for English language learners and other linguistically and culturally diverse students. 2011-2012.

College of Education Research Fellowship: Supporting ELLs’ Academic Literacies, Teacher Professional Development, and Genre-Based Pedagogy ($10,000). One-year grant to analyze an ESL teacher’s use of SFL/genre-based pedagogy and changes in her L2 students’ academic textual practices. Fall, 2011.

College of Education Research Fellowship: Supporting ELLs’ Academic Literacies, Teacher Professional Development, and Genre-Based Pedagogy ($9,000). One-year grant to analyze an ESL teacher’s use of SFL/genre-based pedagogy and changes in her L2 students’ academic textual practices. Fall, 2010.

Title III: Closing the gap: Preparing all teachers to work with English Language Learners. Jerri Willett & Meg Gebhard (co-PIs). Five-year grant award of $1,500,000 to create systemic professional development opportunities regarding second language academic literacy development for content-area teachers and administrators in western Massachusetts. May, 2002-2007.

Joseph P. Healey Endowment Grant, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Principal Investigator. Grant award of $10,000. Critical qualitative and quantitative study to analyze how linguistically and culturally diverse students develop the ability to produce “high-stakes” narratives in English in the context of school reform in the United States. 2004-2005.

MEET Technology Fellowship, Massachusetts Department of Education. Grant award of $750 to support multimedia case-study research in teacher education. Spring, 2002.

Solidago Foundation. Grant award of $5,000 to Language, Literacy, and Culture department faculty to establish the Language Rights Coalition of Western Massachusetts. September, 2002-August, 2003.

MEET Technology Fellowship, Massachusetts Department of Education. Grant award of $1,500 to support multimedia case-study research in teacher education. Spring, 2001.

Language Minority Research Institute Dissertation Fellowship, University of California at Santa Cruz. Grant award of $7,500 for distinguished dissertation proposal related to the education of second language learners in restructuring school. 1998-1999.

Center for the Integration of Teaching and Learning, University of California at Berkeley. Grant and tuition waiver awarded for distinguished dissertation proposal related to understanding the connection between teachers’ professional development and student learning. 1998-1999.

Spencer Faculty Mentor Grant, University of California at Berkeley. Grant awarded to promising graduate student researchers working with Judith Warren Little, a Spencer Research Mentor. 1997-1998.

Summer Research Opportunity Program, University of California at Berkeley. Mentor grant awarded to doctoral students who mentor underrepresented undergraduates in the practices of conducting research. 1997 and 1998.

Burton Blatt Scholarship, Syracuse University. Tuition grant awarded to distinguished graduate students in the School of Education in honor of Burton Blatt. 1988-1989.

Graduate School Scholarship, Syracuse University. Tuition grant awarded to distinguished graduate students. 1988.