8. September 23

Chapter 7: 220-233

Goals: ID holes in simple structures; use unit cell reps to determine stoichiometry in complex structs

Bring 1 computer for each ~ 4 students.  You’ll need it!  We’ll run the activity below, so check it out ahead of time.

Here’s the worksheet that we’ll use, with the internet link listed below.:  ionicmodelsexercise

Activity: http://firstyear.chem.usyd.edu.au/calculators/solid_state.shtml

Answers to the activity: IonicModel_Answers

Homework: Complete the worksheet from class.  Here are some problems to solve: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14

Homework Answers, MT_Ch7

6 thoughts on “8. September 23

  1. jreynold

    Hi Professor Knapp,

    I was planning to come to your office hours tomorrow morning, but I was just informed that I have a meeting for my research group where the project I am working on is going to be presented at 9 am tomorrow. Is there any other time you are available for office hours before the weekend?


    Julie Reynolds

  2. Nash

    Professor Knapp,

    I thought that the activity gave a good, hands on experience with the topic. However, I feel that it might have been best done after a lecture on the material. I did the reading beforehand but I still felt lost. Maybe running through a question as an example would be good?

    Just my thoughts.

    -Peter Nash

  3. mjknapp Post author

    Thanks for your suggestion. It’s really a challenge to find the right mix of lecture and activities to use in teaching. I’ll try to spend some time on Wed and Fri on specific examples.

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