Monthly Archives: September 2011

2. Sept 9

Ch 3 pp 51-59
HW: Ch 3, #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 20; assign formal charges and oxidation states to Figure 3.7

Two articles ‘of interest’ from INCH had nice examples of Lewis structures:

Lewis structures in INCH

Can you assign formal charges to these structures?  Are these good structures, or complete hooey?
Learning Goals:  Draw Lewis structures with expanded octets; predict geometries

Sept 9 slides

1. Wednesday, Sept. 7

Learning Goals:

How to read literature;Breadth of inorganic chemistry

how to work in groups

First Class

Ch 1, p 1-5 Find an interesting article on the INCH website!
HW: Ch 2 #13, 15, 19;

sketch orbitals: 3s, 3p, 3d

HoSlidesw to read literature;Breadth of Sept 7inor; how to work in groups


Welcome to Inorganic Chemistry!  I look forward to working with you to deepen our understanding of this broad branch of chemistry.  My background is in the areas of magnetism and enzymology.  Very strange to think that these can be connected…

Each class will have certain learning goals.  My job is to help you realize those goals, rather than to simply read from the textbook.  This requires that you develop skills as an independent learner, as I might not be able to lecture on every important topic.  Be ready for a lot of in class activities.

I’ll see you on Wednesday.

Prof. Knapp