33. Monday Nov 28

Discussion of photochemistry / photophysics as related to solar energy:

Accounts of Chemical Research 2003, 36, 876-887.  Read the stuff in the red boxes, and read the figure captions in order to understand the figures.


Slides: Nov_28_inked

Goals: interpret electronic spectra of coordination compounds (dd/LMCT/MLCT); interpret reactions of Ru(bpy)32+* in context of ground states and excited states.

2 thoughts on “33. Monday Nov 28

  1. coffin

    I have a question about 10.23)a. The answer key labels the ground state term for [Co(NH3)6]3+ as I1. But for the [Co(CO4)]- it is labeled as S1. These are both low spin complexes, so shouldn’t they have the same Orbital Momentum (S)?

  2. mjknapp Post author

    Actually, 10.23a didn’t ask about term symbols… But if you want them:
    Co(III) has six d-electrons.
    Since there is a lot of CFSE for a low-spin d6 configuration, the medium-field ligands (NH3) are enough the make Co(III) go low-spin.

    Co(III) LS has 0 upe. 2S+1 = 1 Sum(ml) = 2+2+1+1+0+0 = 6
    So the ground state ‘free ion’ term symbol should be singlet-eye, 1I

    What about Co(CO)4-? That has a Co(-I)! so it is a d10 complex. (I almost got suckered into mis-counting it as a d8….). Anyway, fill up the d-orbitals with 2 electrons each.
    2S+1 = 1 Sum(ml) = 0
    So this ground state should be singlet-ess, 1S.

    Incidentally, you’ll get an S state anytime the subshell is half-filled (d5 high spin) or fully filled (d10) or fully empty (d0). “S” is kinda like ‘A1g’ symmetry, in that it is totally symmetric…

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