Chapter 7: 220-233
Goals: ID holes in simple structures; use unit cell reps to determine stoichiometry in complex structs
Bring 1 computer for each ~ 4 students. You’ll need it! We’ll run the activity below, so check it out ahead of time.
Here’s the worksheet that we’ll use, with the internet link listed below.: ionicmodelsexercise
Answers to the activity: IonicModel_Answers
Homework: Complete the worksheet from class. Here are some problems to solve: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14
Hi Professor Knapp,
I was planning to come to your office hours tomorrow morning, but I was just informed that I have a meeting for my research group where the project I am working on is going to be presented at 9 am tomorrow. Is there any other time you are available for office hours before the weekend?
Julie Reynolds
Hi Julie,
Best of luck with your presentation. See me before class, and we’ll try to find a time.
Was the activity helpful? Leave your comments here!
Professor Knapp,
I thought that the activity gave a good, hands on experience with the topic. However, I feel that it might have been best done after a lecture on the material. I did the reading beforehand but I still felt lost. Maybe running through a question as an example would be good?
Just my thoughts.
-Peter Nash
Thanks for your suggestion. It’s really a challenge to find the right mix of lecture and activities to use in teaching. I’ll try to spend some time on Wed and Fri on specific examples.