Schedule 591B

Week 1    Sept 8-10
Introduction, Syllabus

Read: Chapter 1 Gass.Selinker

Handout: week 1 intro (slides)


Week 2    Sept 15-17
First language acquisition

Handout: week 2

Read: Chapter 2 G&S, Cattell

Assignment: answer question 3 p.16 of G&S

Week 3    Sept 22-24
The critical period hypothesis

Read: Chapter 2 of Ortega

Ioup et al.

Handout: First language acquisition

To do: hw2


Week 4    Sept 29
Transfer and access

Read: White (2000)

Liu (2001) (optional)

Slides: week4a week4b

Oct 1

Chapter 6 Gass & Selinker

Slides: pdfpowerpoint

To do: Hk3


Week 5: Transfer

Oct 6: Adverb placement

Read: White (1991)

Slides: week5a

Oct 8: Binding theory, null subjects

Slides: week5b


Go to the website:
Pick one language and write the challenges it will represent:
L1 X to L2 English: do what we did in class and note the substitution the non-native speaker is making, look at the phonemic inventory of that language to try to explain the observed phenomenon.
L1 English to L2 X: Imagine what challenges it would represent to acquire X for a native of English by looking at the phonemic inventory of that language.
Chose a language you don’t speak!

Week 6    Oct 15    Midterm in class


Week 7 : Transfer or not transfer (the end)

Oct 20-22: L2 Phonology

Read Flege (1987) for Tuesday

Read: Hayes-Harb & Masuda (2008) for Thursday

Slides: week7


Week 8    Oct 27-29 Cognition

Read: Ortega-chap5

And Psychology of Language (read pp.130 to 141, pp. 150-155, 158-172)

There is a workshop on: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Agreement at UMass
The departments of Linguistics and Psychology are hosting a workshop on Agreement Thursday and Friday of this week (Oct. 29 and 30). Thursday’s talks are on “Agreement and Linear Order,” and Friday’s on “Experimental and theoretical approaches.” Thursday’s talks are in ILC N400 and Friday’s talks are in ILS S211.
For a schedule and more information, go here.


Week 9    Nov 3-5

Psycholinguistic in SLA research

Read: Marinis (2000), you don’t have to read section IV.

and Papadopoulou-Clahsen

Homework: Following the workshop on Agreement Oct 29-30, choose one talk. Summarize and discuss for Nov 5 (one page).

[UUSLAW on Saturday, Nov 7th: schedule]


Week 10    Nov 10-12

Psycholinguistics, slides


Week 11    Nov 17-19    Student presentations (papers are linked to names)

Comments go there

Nov 17 Myles

Nov 19 Bobby, Amy


Week 12         Student presentations

Nov 24: Anastasia

Comments go there

          Thanksgiving break: no class on Thursday, Nov 26

Week 13      Student presentations

Dec 1:  Alena

Comments go there

Dec 3: Vivian, Johanna

Comments go there

Week 14    Student presentations

Dec 8: Brandyn, Catie

Comments go there

Dec 10: Kirk + Wrap-up

  9 comments for “Schedule 591B

  1. November 11, 2015 at 2:31 pm

    Please post here the topic you chose for your presentation. Thanks.

  2. rtosswill
    November 11, 2015 at 7:25 pm

    I’m presenting on the acquisition of telicity in L2 Russian.

  3. November 11, 2015 at 7:51 pm

    bevorarosa wrote: Presenting on the effects of bilingualism on third language acquisition

  4. achobany
    November 11, 2015 at 11:40 pm

    I’ll be presenting on L1 inhibition during L2 immersion

  5. akopfer
    November 12, 2015 at 1:21 pm

    I’ll be presenting on stages in the acquisition of L2 vocabulary.

  6. mpdarby
    November 12, 2015 at 6:43 pm

    On Tuesday I’ll be talking about the roles of structural position and equivalence classification in the acquisition of Spanish phonology by L1 English speakers.

  7. vyee
    November 17, 2015 at 11:04 pm

    My presentation will be on the topic of L2 fossilization

  8. jfurena
    December 3, 2015 at 3:33 am

    My presentation will be on the effects on L1 during early acquisition of L2: Speech changes in Spanish at first English contact.

  9. kgoddard
    December 4, 2015 at 1:16 pm

    I’ll be presenting on context effects in the processing of phonolexical ambiguity in L2

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