Special Topics: First and Second Language Acquisition
Fall 2015
Jeremy Hartman Magda Oiry
Email: hartman@linguist.umass.edu Email: moiry@linguist.umass.edu
Office: N428 Integrated Learning Center Office: N434 Integrated Learning Center
Office hours: Office hours: TuTh 11:30-12:30
Time and place: TuTh., 10:00-11:15 AM, Dickinson 206
Course requirements:
- Attendance, readings, participation in class discussion
- One in-class presentation (20-30 min). Dates TBD.
- Final project (individual paper or group experimental project)
Textbook: None. Readings will be posted on UDrive. Many of the readings will be taken from the following volumes:
- Bowerman, Melissa, and Stephen C. Levinson, eds. Language acquisition and conceptual development. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
- O’Grady, William. How children learn language. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
- Clark, Eve V. First language acquisition. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- Lust, Barbara. Child language. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Schedule of Classes
Week 1
Sept. 8 Introduction, expectations, course overview
Sept. 10 The problem of language acquisition, historical perspectives
Read: Cattell, “Do we teach children to speak?”
Week 2
Sept. 15 Differences between L1 and L2 acquisition
Sept. 17 Critical period discussion
Read: Ortega p. 13-30
Week 3
Sept. 22 Early discrimination of speech sounds
Read: O’Grady pp. 143-163
Do: Homework 2
Sept. 24 Early speech production
Week 4
Sept. 29 Accents and loanword phonology
Oct. 1 Shared generalizations in acquisition, typology, and language change
Weeks 3-4 slides all together: .pdf; .pptx
Do: Homework 3
Week 5
Oct. 6 Guest lecture: Joe Pater (slides)
Oct. 8 Transfer and access L2
Optionally Read: White (1991), White (2000)
Week 6
Do: Homework 4
Website for Homework 4: http://accent.gmu.edu/browse_language.php
Oct. 15 Midterm
Week 7: Transfer in L2
Oct 20: Read White (1991), this week’s slides
Oct 22: Limits of Transfer, Flege (1987)
Slides: week7b
Week 8: Oct 27-29 Null Subjects, Agreement
Week 8 slides
Homework 5: due on Thursday
Workshop on Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Agreement at UMass
The departments of Linguistics and Psychology are hosting a workshop on Agreement Thursday and Friday of this week (Oct. 29 and 30). Thursday’s talks are on “Agreement and Linear Order,” and Friday’s on “Experimental and theoretical approaches.” Thursday’s talks are in ILC N400 and Friday’s talks are in ILS S211.
For a schedule and more information, go here.
Week 9: Nov 3-5 Agreement (cont.)
Reading for Thursday: The Acquisition of French pg 77-100
Homework: Following the workshop on Agreement Oct 29-30, choose one talk you attended. Summarize and discuss for Nov 5 (one page).
[UUSLAW on Saturday, Nov 7th: schedule]
Week 10: Nov 10-12
Wh movement
Week 10 bis
Student presentations
Nov 17: Lisa, Emma
Week 11 Student presentations
Nov 24: Meg, Zack G.
Week 12 Student presentations:
Dec 1: Gabby, Hiroki
Week 13 Student presentations
Dec 10: Becca, Clara
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