
 Magda Oiry

Department of Linguistics

408 Integrative Learning Center650 North Pleasant Street

Amherst, MA 01003

Tel (413) 545-6826

Office: N434 in ILC

Office hours (Spring 2017): MW 1 to 2 and by appointment

Email: moiry at umass dot edu

My curriculum vitae

Downloaded papers


Oiry 2011a. L’Acquisition des Questions à Longue-Distance par des enfants français. Stratégie à dépendance directe versus indirecte et questions alternatives. Editions Universitaires Européennes. 2011. (Email me for a PDF).

Papers, Conference proceedings and working papers

Oiry, M.  (2019) Setting apart Scope Marking questions from sequential questions in children’s productions. In honor of Tom Roeper’75th birthday. University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers. July 2018. Bart Hollebrandse, Jaieun Kim editors.

Embedded wh-clefts in non-standard colloquial French. In progress.

Some questions (and answers) about cleft sentences (with Nicolas Guilliot). unpublished ms.

Oiry 2011b. A case of true optionality: Wh-in-situ patterns like Long Movement in French in The Optionality of Wh-Movement. Edited by Anna Roussou and Christos Vlachos (University of Patras). Linguistic Analysis (37:1-2): 112-136.2011.

Oiry and Roeper 2009. How Language Acquisition Reveals Minimalist Symmetry in the Wh-System. Selected papers from the Cyprus Syntaxfest. Edited by Kleanthes K. Grohman and Phoevos Panagiotidis. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Chapter 1, 11-28. 2009.

Demirdache and Oiry 2008. On the Syntax and Semantics of LD questions in Child FrenchLanguage Acquisition and Development: Proceedings of GALA 2007. Edited by Anna Gavarró and M. João Freitas. Cambridge Scholars Publishing : 177-188. 2008.

Demirdache and Oiry 2007. On the Felicity Conditions for Long-Distance Questions in L1 Acquisition . Proceedings of BUCLD 31. Edited by Heather Caunt-Nulton, Samantha Kulatilake and I-Hao Woo. Cascadilla Press: 184-195. 2007.

Oiry and Demirdache 2006. Evidence from L1 Acquisition for the Syntax of Wh-Scope Marking in French (with Hamida Demirdache) in The Acquisition of Romance Languages, ?Collection Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, n°41. Torrens V & Escobar L. (eds) Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Direct versus indirect wh-scope marking strategies in French child grammar in University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 2006.

Oiry M. 2005. “Les Questions Exceptionnelles en Français L1”. Actes du Colloque APPLIC.

Conference presentations/talks

  • Embedded wh-clefts in non-standard colloquial French. Workshop on Meaning in questions. Konstanz Germany, June 2018.
  • Factive and negation: kids know when to be happy but are not happy about knowing. LAWNE Fall 2017. 20th anniversary at UMass Amherst.
  • “How children deal with a contextually canceled presupposition.” DGfS, Konstanz, February 2016.
  • Embedded cleft questions. Toulouse, SyMiLa, June 11-12, 2015.
  • Know when to be happy. Paris 8. March 23, 2015. Invited talk.
  • Acquisition of factive complements. Nantes. October 2014. Nantes/Gröningen workshop.
  • Movement all the way: French embedded clefts. RALFe in Paris, October 9-10, 2014.
  • Acquisition of Long-Distance questions: a poverty of stimulus argument. University of Maryland. Invited talk. November 2012.
  • Some questions (and answers) about cleft sentences (with Nicolas Guilliot). LSRL 41, University of Ottawa. May 2011.
  • Cleft questions uncovered. UUSLAW (UConn, UMass, Smith Language Acquisition Workshop).? Spring 2011.
  • A case of true optionality: Wh- in situ Patterns like Long Movement in French. ?ISTAL 19 (International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics). ?Workshop on the Optionality of Wh-Movement. April 5th, 2009. Thessaloniki.
  • On the Syntax & Semantics of Long-Distance questions in child French. With Hamida Demirdache. GALA 2007. September 6-8, Barcelona
  • On the Felicity Conditions of Long-distance Questions in L1 acquisition. With Hamida Demirdache. BUCLD 31. November 3-5, 2006.
  • Wh-Scope Marking  (and their Semantics values). Workshop in Syntax & Semantics. Université de Paris 8. September 13-15, 2006.
  • Wh-Scope Marking and the acquisition of complementation. Romance Turn II. With Hamida Demirdache , Oana Lungu. September 7-9, 2006.
  • Wh- Scope Marking in French L1?Paper presented at UUSLAW (UConn, UMass, Smith Language Acquisition Workshop).?Organiser: University of Massachusetts.? December 10th, 2005.
  • On The Syntax Of Exceptional Questions in French L1 Acquisition. ?Paper presented at The Romance Turn, Workshop on the Acquisition of Romance Languages. Madrid (Spain).? Organisers: Linda Escobar (Universidad Nacional de Educacion Distancia), Anna Gavarro (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona), Vicenc Torrens (Universidad Nacional de Educacion Distancia) and Kenneth Wexler (M.I.T.). ?September 16-18, 2004.
  • Evidence from L1 Acquisition for the Syntax of Wh- Scope Marking ?Paper presented at the 2nd Student Workshop on Syntax and Semantics. ?Organiser: Universitat autonoma de Barcelona.?September 15-17, 2004.
  • Les Questions Exceptionnelles en Français L1. Poster presented at the APLIC Conference (Acquisition, Pratiques Langagières, Interactions verbales et Contacts). Université de Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris. Résumé.?Organisers: CALIPSO (EA 170).?June 25-26, 2004.

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