Pamplemousses : Il y a beaucoup de fruits dans le monde qui sont délicieux. C’est vrai que les bananes sont délicieuses et facile à manger. Même les enfants peuvent les manger. Mais, on les mange trop vite et on ne peut pas en apprécier le goût. Donc, je préfère les pamplemousses parce que ce sont les fruits pour les adultes et… Read more →
Category: Uncategorized
Syllabus 371
Advanced Grammar and Composition I Textes: 1) Jacqueline Ollivier et Martin Beaudoin, Grammaire française, 4e édition (obligatoire) 2) Un bon dictionnaire français, comme Le Petit Robert (recommandé) 3) Un bon dictionnaire bilingue, comme Le Collins-Robert (recommandé) Description et organisation du cours Notre tâche principale sera de mettre en œuvre et d’approfondir les connaissances de français que vous avez… Read more →
FRENCH 240 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH Spring 2016 Magda Oiry Office hours WF 10-11 in Herter 309 Course: MW 2:30-3:45 and by appointment Classroom: Herter Hall 118 Current office: ILC N434 (stop by on TH) e-mail: TEXTS: Required: – Intrigue: Langue, culture et mystère dans le monde francophone (softcover textbook, 2011,… Read more →
Français 371 Printemps 2016 Magda Oiry Office hours WF 10-11 in Herter 309 and by appointment Course: MWF 11:15-12:05 Classroom: Herter Hall 116 Current office: ILC N434 (pop-up on TH) e-mail: Textes: 1) Jacqueline Ollivier et Martin Beaudoin, Grammaire française, 4e édition (obligatoire) 2) Un bon dictionnaire français, comme Le Petit Robert (recommandé) 3) Un… Read more →
Comments to articles presented in class
UUSLAW Nov 7, 2015
University of Massachusetts, University of Connecticut and Smith College Language Acquisition Workshop UUSLAW Fall 2015 Hosted at Smith College in McConnell Hall 103 (Parking on adjacent streets e.g. Green street ($1 an hour:meters) or in Green street or Scott gym parking lots at Smith College) 9.30am Coffee, tea and bagels Foyer of McConnell 10 am Andie Faber (U.Mass) “Assigning and… Read more →
Schedule 591B
Week 1 Sept 8-10 Introduction, Syllabus Read: Chapter 1 Gass.Selinker Handout: week 1 intro (slides) —- Week 2 Sept 15-17 First language acquisition Handout: week 2 Read: Chapter 2 G&S, Cattell Assignment: answer question 3 p.16 of G&S — Week 3 Sept 22-24 The critical period hypothesis Read: Chapter 2 of Ortega Ioup et al. Handout: First language acquisition To… Read more →
References: Partial movement
Bruening, B. (2004). Two types of wh-scope marking in Passamaquoddy. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 22(2), 229-305. Cheng, L. L. (1997). Partial wh-movement. Dayal, V. (2000). Scope marking: Cross-linguistic variation in indirect dependency. Wh-scope marking, 37, 157-193. Fanselow, G. (2006). Partial Wh?Movement. The Blackwell companion to syntax, 437-492. Felser, C. (2004). < i> Wh</i>-copying, phases, and successive cyclicity. Lingua, 114(5), 543-574. Herburger, E. (1994). A semantic difference… Read more →
References: questions
Questions Baunaz, L., & Puskás, G. (2008). Feature stripping and wh-movement in French and Hungarian. Selected Proceedings of the 34 th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. Paola Beninc?, Federico Damonte and Nicoletta Penello (eds.). Padova: Unipress Special Issue of the Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, 33, 43-60. Baunaz, L. (2005). The syntax and semantics of wh in-situ and existentials: The case of French. Leiden Papers… Read more →
References: spoken french
Adli, A. (2006). French wh-in-situ questions and syntactic optionality: Evidence from three data types. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, 25(2), 163-203. Baunaz, L. (2011). The grammar of French quantification (Vol. 83). Springer. Baunaz, L. (2008). Floating quantifiers: french universal quantifiers and N-words. Selected Proceedings of the 34th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Special Issue of the Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, 33. Baunaz, L., & Patin, C. (2009). Prosody refers… Read more →