Students applying for the Ph.D. program are expected to meet the following requirements:
- A GPA of at least 3.0 or its equivalent for undergraduate study and M.S. program (if applicable)
- The applicant is expected to have received education and training in some aspects of materials science and engineering or a closely related STEM field
- The GRE is recommended but optional
- Every Ph.D. applicant must identify an MSE-affiliated faculty advisor (or advisors) when applying to the program. Eventual admission to the program is contingent upon a commitment from the advisor(s) to supervise the student and to support the student financially through the Ph.D. program.
- International students are required to satisfy the English Language Proficiency Requirements as specified by the UMass Amherst Graduate School
- Evidence that an applicant is capable of doing outstanding graduate work in the areas encompassed by the MSE program
Financial support
Ph.D. students in good standing are supported through their graduate studies via a combination of fellowships, teaching assistantships, or research assistantships (from faculty advisors), contingent upon the availability of funds and upon satisfactory performance in research and course work.
Deadline: Jan. 1 for admission to the Fall semester (No Spring admissions)
To Apply: Please go the?Graduate School Admissions Page