Where is Snapchats making its money?


This image illustrates the various ways that Snapchat makes it money. It is funny how they have all of these forms of income, yet, they are losing money. As stated before in a previous post, due to the high demand of users on Snapchat, they are constantly having to use the money they are making to buy more storage space for pictures, videos, advertisements, etc…

I was unable to find more information when looking deeper into who works at Snapchat and what they are being paid. It would be interesting to know these details considering they amount of money they are losing when buying more photo space.

I believe one of the main reasons that Snapchat is valued so high (about $22 million) even thought it is constantly losing money, is because so many companies are investing (along with personal investors) and paying for advertisements to get their word out to teens and the youth to educate them with both old and new media which can be referred to back in the chart above.

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