A Day off: to the Alps!


Yesterday we were sent out on our own to explore Salzburg and the surrounding countryside. While many stayed to explore the city, a group of us decided to return to St. Gilgen to climb to the top of the alps there. After a bus ride, we hopped on a boat across the lake to the base of the mountain. From there we caught a train ride up the side the mountain,



which has been running since 1911 and still remains one of the steepest grade trains in Europe. Once at the top, well, a picture is worth a thousand words.

















Needless to say, we were awestruck, and almost lightning struck as well as a thunderstorm boomed in from the west. We caught a train back down just in time to escape the rain and hail.





On the boat ride down Providence smiled on us yet again by bringing the sun out for our ride back, painting a rainbow across the place we had just left. We returned home with tired feet, wet clothes, and full hearts. I hope that the others had equally fantastic experiences on their free day in Salzburg.

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