WeGO Awards

WeGo Awards ImageThe World e-Governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments (WeGO) are launching the 1st WeGO awards in 2012. The WeGO Awards aim to recognize and promote outstanding practices in e-government of cities and local governments that use information and communication technologies to improve administrative efficiency and citizens’ access to public services.

The WeGO Awards are open to all cities as well as public organizations and agencies around the world, and the winners will be awarded at the 2nd General Assembly of WeGO, to be held in Barcelona on 19-20 November 2012.

Online Submissions
All applications must be submitted online at http://awards.we-gov.org. Each city can submit up to two applications.

Awards Categories
WeGO Awards are given in the following five categories:

  1. Services
  2. Efficiency
  3. Open City
  4. Urban Management
  5. Digital Divide

Important Dates
-Online Submission:
February 1 2012 – May 31 2012

-Announcement of Winners:
October 2012

-Awards Ceremony:
19 November 2012 at the 2nd General Assembly of WeGO in Barcelona

For more information, please contact the secretariat of WeGO at wego2010@
, or wego.secretariat
or see the WeGO Awards Site.