NCDG engaged in a virtual conference with researchers and leaders at Centro de Estudos Internacionais sobre Governo (CEGOV) on November 21. CEGOV researchers work on multidisciplinary projects in the areas of international politics and governance, monitoring and evaluating public policies, institutional development and the capacity for governance in Brazilian and South American models as well as co mparing institutional decision-making in management, decentralization and democratic control of public service. Diego Canabarro, a lawyer and specialist in international relations, visited NCDG during November to meet with researchers on a variety of Internet policy challenges facing Brazil and the Global South.
Category: Uncategorized
Aufderheide kicks off Open Access Week
To kick off Open Access Week (October 24-28), a series of events about open educational resources, open access journals, open data, copyrights and authors rights, keynote speaker Patricia Aufderheide gave a talk, Beyond the Copyright Wars: Fair Use, Free Speech, and Reframing the Policy Debate, on Monday October 24.
Conor White-Sullivan sells Localocracy to Huff Post Media Group
Conor White-Sullivan, NCDG undergraduate fellow 2009-2010, co-founded Localocracy in 2008 with fellow student, Aaron Soules, CTO, to engage citizens, elected officials and journalists in local issues on a transparent and public platform. Wanting to build on their approach to enhancing democracy online, AOL’s Huffington Post Media Group purchased Localocracy on October 3rd. Along with two of his co-founders, Conor White-Sullivan, 23, will join Huffington Post Media Group and continue to expand their work. Read More in The Boston Globe, Mass High Tech, and Bloomberg.
Erkul elected to European Commission Informatics Portal
R. Erdem Erkul, 2008-2009 NCDG Doctoral Fellow, was elected to the European Commission Informatics Portal Informal Expert Committee on is a European Commission egovernment portal for the professional community of eGovernment, eInclusion and eHealth practitioners.
Rothschild selected as “21st Century Leader”
NCDG Fellow, Jeffrey Rothschild, was awarded a 21st Century Leader Award at the UMass Amherst 2010 Commencement. The award is given annually to recognize graduating seniors who have demonstrated exemplary standards of achievement, initiative and social awareness. Congratulations, Jeff!