Abstracts for the Society of Physics Students (SPS) portions of the meeting should be transmitted electronically to Professor Kannan Jagannathan kjagannathan@amherst.edu by Friday, October 21, 2011.
Please specify whether the abstract is for a POSTER or an ORAL paper.
Oral presentations will be allotted 12 minutes each.
SPS Abstracts should have the following format:
Use Times New Roman font. Indent 12 spaces. Give the title in bold size 16 font. In bold size 14 font, give your name and collaborators names in capital letters, and your affiliation in both upper and lower case (college or university). Your abstract should be in size 12 font and be no longer 200 words, including the title, authors, and affiliations.
Poster Size: 48 inches wide by 36 inches high (Landscape Format)
Rebates on undergraduate registration fees will be determined by registration time on Friday, November 18.