Night Soldier

Chapter 1. The Precursors: From The Angel Was a Devil to Frozen Days
Night Soldier: The First Israeli Slasher?

From today’s perspective, Night Soldier (1984) might not seem like a horror film, and yet, it might be the first Israeli slasher. Helmed by Dan Wolman, a prominent Israeli filmmaker, Night Soldier is a story of obsession. The film’s main character, Zeev, is obsessed with the army. All he ever dreamed of is becoming a soldier, the ultimate expression of Israeli masculinity. But the army rejects him for health reasons. Unable to take part in the national military, Zeev forms an army of one and goes on a killing spree. 

Questions for discussion

  1. Which elements of the horror genre can you identify in The Night Soldier?
  2. What characterizes Night Soldier as an Israeli film? You may think of the plot, themes, or settings.
  3. In what way is Night Soldier a precursor of New Israeli Horror? You can think of its production as well as the film itself.
  4. What was its audience and critical reception?


Streaming on Tubi (as Soldier of Night)