The Golem

Chapter 7. Escaping Israel: Another World, Madam Yankelova’s Fine Literature Club, and The Golem

The Golem (2018) by the Paz brothers is a new take on the old Jewish legend of a man-made monster. In its most famous version, Rabbi Loew of Prague, fashions a golem out of clay to protect the Jewish community in times of danger. The Paz brothers reimagine the golem as a young child and his creator as Hannah, a young woman grieving the loss of her son. Hannah wants to protect her community from the violent invaders, but she also rebels against its male-defined rules.

Questions for discussion

  1. Which horror tropes and conventions can you identify in The Golem? Which films does it remind you of?
  2. What characterizes The Golem as an Israeli film? You may think of the plot, themes, or settings.
  3. What is the relationship between the local Israeli characteristics and the global horror tropes in The Golem?
  4. What was the production history of The Golem? How did it impact the film?
  5. What was its audience and critical reception?


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