Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much milk will be I be asked to provide?

A: We typically ask for 1-3 ounces of breast milk per breast if that is doable for you and if not, slightly less is okay.

We ask that you pump the morning of the study visit from both your left and right breast and collect it in a kit that we provide. It has containers that are labeled for the left and right breast samples. Also, a few days before the study visit, we ask that you do the same: collect from breast milk from both the left and right breast and store that in your freezer. 

Q: When do I provide the first breast milk sample for the study?

A: Participants provide their first breast milk sample when their child is six weeks old.  We wait to begin data collection until your infant is six weeks old because we know the first six weeks postpartum is a very busy time for new mothers!

Q: Does my COVID-19 vaccine status affect my participation in this study?

A: No, your COVID-19 vaccination status does not impact your participation in this study.  CDC information about the COVID-19 vaccine for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding is available here:  (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations/pregnancy.html 

Q: Are the fruits and vegetables organic?

A: The fruits and vegetables that are included in the produce boxes are provided primarily by UMass-Amherst dining services. Occasionally produce comes from local grocery stores. They are not organic but are sometimes locally sourced.

Q: How is the study adapting to COVID-19?

A: All aspects of the study are remote. Questionnaires will be administered over Zoom or the phone. We guide you through measuring you and your infant’s weight and height over the phone or by Zoom. We drop off sample collection kits and a scale at your house. We pick up samples curbside at a time that is convenient for you. For those in the intervention group, fruits and vegetable boxes are dropped off curbside at a scheduled time.

Q: Can I eat cultural foods if I participate in the New Moms Wellness Study (NMWS)?

A: Yes. The NMWS is compatible with cultural foods. There are no restrictions on traditional cultural diets.

Q: Can I enroll in the study if I am not a first time mother or have been previously pregnant?

A: Yes! They study is open to first time and experienced mothers.

Q: Where can I find the eligibility criteria?

A: You can find all criteria on the Eligibility Criteria tab at the top of the page.