University Service

University of Massachusetts, Amherst:

  • Equitable Policies Group (PACE) (2024-)
  • Academic Assessment Committee (2023-)
  • ICTC (Information and Communication Technology Council) 2021-2023
  • TEval (Transforming Higher Education Multidimensional Evaluation of Teaching) 2017-2022


  • Promotion & Tenure Committee (CICS 2023-2024)
  • Teaching Development Committee (CICS 2021- )
  • Diversity Committee (CICS 2019-2021)
  • CS Major Advising (CICS Freshman & Sophomore 2016-2019)
  • Taskforce on Learning Outcome (CICS 2017-2018)
  • Undergraduate Program Committee (CICS 2016-2019)
  • Faculty Recruiting Committee for Lecturers (CICS 2016-2017; 2019-2020)

Commonwealth Honors Thesis Supervision

  • COMPSCI 499 HONORS THESIS: Cyril Bou-Harb. Cultivating Computational Thinking: A Game-Based Approach. 2024.
  • COMPSCI 499 HONORS THESIS: Mohit Ganna. StudyNeat: Student-centric LMS external tool. 2023.
  • COMPSCI 499 HONORS THESIS: Timothy Nguyen. Resumeble: Building Scalable Web Systems for a Resume Tailoring Application. 2021-2022.
  • COMPSCI 499 HONORS THESIS: Herlin RijoResumeble: Re-envisioning The Way We Apply Through A Resume Tailoring Application. 2021-2022.
  • COMPSCI 499 HONORS THESIS: Britney Nicola Bourassa. Creating an Interactive Dashboard Application on Industry Based Economic Data. 2021-2022.
  • COMPSCI 499 HONORS THESIS: Aylin Elmali. Ethical Software Design: Creating Non-Predatory Application Model. 2020-2021.
  • COMPSCI 499 HONORS THESIS: Andrew Rapoza. Building a Social Network for Spontaneous Meetups. 2019-2020

Independent Studies Supervision

  • COMPSCI 196: INDEPENDENT STUDIES. Jieun Kim and Yewon Lee., Mount Holyoke College. Funds of Knowledge approach to Computational Thinking game for primary students. Spring 2023.
  • COMPSCI 396: INDEPENDENT STUDIES. Manan Talwar. Student Learning & Motivation in Active Learning Environments in Undergraduate Computer Science Education: A Systematic Literature Review and a Practical Implementation. Spring 2022.
  • COMPSCI 396: INDEPENDENT STUDIES. Nila Sadeeshkumar.  Chatbot to assist with new student arrival process. Fall 2018.
  • COMPSCI 596: INDEPENDENT STUDIES. Andrew David Gramigna. Video lesson for Java beginners. Spring 2018.

University of Saint Joseph, Macau:

  • Program Coordinator – Master in Information Technology: Curriculum development, Faculty coordination, and Thesis supervision. 2012-2014.
  • Program Coordinator – Licentiate in Information Systems: Curriculum development, Faculty coordination, Student internship and Portfolio management. 2008-2014.
  • Program Coordinator – Licentiate in Business Technology Management: Curriculum development, Faculty coordination, Student internship and Portfolio management. 2008-2014.

Graduate Student Supervision: University of Saint Joseph, Macau

  1. Gomes, Nuno (Phd. in Education, 2022)
    Thesis title:  Integrating Variation Theory with Multicultural Instruction in Multilingual Classrooms: Bridging Theory and Practice in Foreign Language Acquisition
  2. Farinha, Daniel Filipe G. (Master in Information Technology, 2016)
    Thesis title: Grokya: A Privacy-Friendly Framework for Ubiquitous Computing
  3. Leong, Marco Chou Kin (Master in Information Technology, 2016)
    Thesis title: Bowler Plus: Bowling Ball Feedback Device
  4. Cheang, Alison Son I (Master in Information Technology, 2016)
    Thesis title: Set Up and Testing a Secure Cloud