Medium Energy Nuclear Physics

Layout of the High Resolution Spectrometers in Hall A at Jefferson Laboratory used for parity violation experiments.
Layout of the High Resolution Spectrometers in Hall A at Jefferson Laboratory used for parity violation experiments.
The PHENIX Detector at Brookhaven National Laboratory
The PHENIX Detector at Brookhaven National Laboratory
The EXO detector under construction at WIPP, Carlsbad, NM
The EXO detector under construction at WIPP, Carlsbad, NM
The Borexino Experiment at Gran Sasso
The Borexino Experiment at Gran Sasso
UMass graduate student Phil Martel working on cabling up the Crystal Ball detector at MAMI laboratory, Mainz, Germany.
UMass graduate student Phil Martel working on cabling up the Crystal Ball detector at MAMI laboratory, Mainz, German
View through the GlueX solenoid with the Barrel Calorimeter installed, looking towards the Forward Calorimeter
View through the GlueX solenoid with the Barrel Calorimeter installed, looking towards the Forward Calorimeter

Our research addresses a variety of fundamental questions that aim to further our understanding of the origins of all matter in the universe, the forces that govern them, and the mechanisms by which the fundamental building blocks of matter (quarks and leptons) form protons, neutrons and eventually nuclei and atoms.


    • Solar neutrino physics
    • Double-beta decay
    • Direct searches for WIMP dark matter
    • Fundamental symmetry tests
    • Precision low energy QCD tests
    • Precision nucleon structure studies
    • Precision tests of electroweak interactions
    • Experimental Gravitation and Particle Astrophysics more