San Sebastián, Spain, August 2023


I am a fourth-year PhD student in Linguistics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. My main interests are psycholinguistics and computational linguistics.

Before coming to UMass, I got my BA and MA from the Foreign Language Education Department at Boğaziçi University in İstanbul, Turkey. I earned my MA degree upon completion of a thesis titled as “Processing Turkish center-embeddings: an investigation of case interference and prosodic phrase lengths”, under the supervision of Nazik Dinçtopal Deniz.

Currently, I am working with Brian Dillon and Faruk Akkuş on the processing of c-command relation in Turkish, and with Brian Dillon and Rajesh Bhatt on word order preferences in Turkish. I am also part of the Psycholinguistics Research Laboratory at Boğaziçi University, where I am involved in a project on the processing of NPIs in Turkish.

Here is my CV.


  • With Metehan Oğuz, I presented a poster titled as “Investigating syntactic effects in NPI illusions in Turkish” at HSP 2024 and Tu+9. Here is the proceeding paper from Tu+.
  • I gave a talk titled as “The role of c-command in processing a preverbal anaphor in Turkish” at Tu+9 Workshop (March 23-24), at Cornell University. Here is the slides.
  • I, in collaboration with Nazik Dinçtopal Deniz and Didem Kurt, published a paper titled as “(Reversed) Mismatch Asymmetry in English Subject-Verb Agreement” in Journal of Linguistics Research. See the paper here.