1. Named the Person of the Century by Time magazine.
2. Hitler considered him public enemy number one.
3. Einstein was born with an abnormally big head. Combined with his late start in speaking, doctors were concerned he might be retarded.
4. Divorced his first wife Mileva Maric: Reason = Adultery. (His wife received the Noble Prize money.) The adulteress, Elsa, whom he later married, was his first cousin!
5. Already a high school drop out, he failed his 1st college entrance exam, and had to go to a secondary school in Switzerland. Think of Albert at community college.
6. Einstein named his violin ‘Lina’.
7. Refusing the Presidency of Israel, he said, “I know a little of science, but nothing about men.”
8. When Einstein was five years old his father gave him a pocket compass. It was this compass that sparked Einstein’s interest in science. The fact that the compass pointed in the same direction no matter how it was turned made him curious about understanding the force behind it.
9. In 1895 when Albert Einstein appeared for the University Entrance Exam he could only manage to pass in the math and science sections and failed in the rest of the subjects.
10. Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for his work in the area of Photoelectric Effect in the year 1921. Einstein was not present to receive his Nobel Prize in December 1922 because he was on a trip to Japan.
11. An element named einsteinium was discovered in 1952 and named in his honor.
12. He also stopped wearing socks because he found his big toe would make a hole in the sock
13. His favorite past time was sailing. Einstein also loved going for walks around the town and that was one of his favorite activities. He also loved music and used to play the violin.
14. At the time of his death, Albert Einstein’s final words died with him as they were in German and his nurse did not understand German.
15. During the rise of Nazi, Germany, Einstein was forced to leave Germany because of his Jewish heritage. He moved to the U.S in 1933
16. In 1944, he raised six million dollars for the war effort, by auctioning a hand written paper on special relativity. This document is now held at Library of Congress in Washington D.C.
17. Einstein started talking at the age of four but still wasn’t fluent till the age of 9
18. Einstein also got lots of fan mail and many requests for product endorsements, none of which he ever accepted